Friday, December 3, 2010

Charlie & Alyssa

As promised, please meet my new little cousins:


In my Mommy's arms.

In my arms:)

Aren't they adorable????  How can anyone say there's isn't a God?  Just look at those beautiful little creations He has given us!  So perfect:)

Bye now:)

God bless and keep you!
Grace be with you!
Alive because of His Blood,
Katie Bekah

Thursday, December 2, 2010


It occurs to me that I never did share with you all my Mommy's and my adventure down in Kentucky to our Family Reunion so I thought I would share it now and with pictures:)  
On October 15th, we went out for awhile to get some things ready for the trip and we had rented a car, we had a really fun day!  Then on the 16th, we finished up our packing and stuff and then headed down to where our Reunion is held, stopping a few places along the way and getting a few little things.  When we reached our hotel, we were amped because there's a Starbucks literally right next to it, in the same parking lot!  After resting in our hotel for a bit, we went to Cracker Barrel for supper (Mommy got chicken fried chicken and I got country fried steak, YUM!) it was SO good!  We ended up having to take some of it back to the hotel.
Unfortunately, it was warmer than we thought it was going to be so we had to go to Wal-Mart and get cooler tops and pick up a few other things too.
Back at the hotel, we decided to warm up our food (unfortunately, we had to use a microwave, blech!) in the little dishes we had gotten at Wal-Mart.  Well, wouldn't it figure, we didn't have utensils so we had to use our fingers to eat our meat and mashed potatoes, haha!  That was all just a part of the fun of it:)  
Anyways, the next day was the Reunion so after we got our showers and then everything all packed, we went out to the car and onto the Reunion.
We had a really fun time with everyone.  I just love listening to them all talk because they have that country accent and say some things that I don't understand (LOL!) but I love it!
Now onto the pictures:

 Our room:

Wonder who's bed this is? :p  My Pooh Bear and Nani bear 
   and camera case.

                          My handsome cousin, Dougy, and me.
 My cute little cousin, Randi Michelle, and me.
 I thought this was cool :)  I was gonna put my camera in there a little more to see if I could capture a picture of a little creature or something but was afraid there might be something in there and then jump out at me, lol.
                 Dougy's beautiful wife, Angie, and me :)  Spent most of the day  with her and we had a really good time together :)
 My Uncle Randy, Randi Michelle, and me.

I took LOTS of pictures of the scenery on the way down and back so, I really shouldn't look through those 'cause there are too many pretty ones.  I just have them on Facebook.  Maybe sometime I'll put some on here :)

I'm just so thankful to God for the wonderful family with which God has blessed me.  I never get sick of them and miss them TERRIBLY when we're not together.  I wish we could all get together more than just once a year!  

On my next post, I'll have to 'introduce' you to my new 2nd cousins in my Daddy's family:)  Charlie and Alyssa.  Please pray for them as they were born on November 16th and are still in the hospital.  I think they are improving though, praise God.

Talk to you later:)
God bless and keep you!
Grace be with you!
Alive because of His Blood,
Katie Bekah