Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Thoughts

Last Sabbath, at Church, our Pastor was preaching and he said that there are more Christians in China than the USA. As wonderful as it is that there are so many Christians there, it is quite sad that a Country that was built on Biblical principles has fewer Christians.
As my brother, Chris, said "people over in China are being persecuted every day for their Christian beliefs while we sit here in our nice little houses......". I know that's not true for every Christian, but I know there are some (including myself) that could and should do so much more.
God sent us to be His emissaries and how are we spreading His Gospel if we are not living it or spreading it?

For Jesus said:
6 but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 7 And proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’
Matthew 10:6-7

I am not saying that you must leave your home and all of your loved ones and everything behind you and go to foreign countries (unless God calls you to), but rather live the Gospel, love the Gospel, and spread the Gospel, even in your own home, whether your whole family are Christians or not. I know, I myself, need to work on this, as I do not do a good job of it, if any at all.......
There is Mission Work that needs to be done right here in this Country, no matter where you go or where you are, God's Word must be spread and lived.

Lately, I must confess, some of the things going on in this Country are simply sickening, gay marriages, abortions, girls getting pregnant before marriage or even before the marrying age. A Country that was built on Biblical principles has now become a pit of sin, and what are we doing about it? What are some of these parents doing about it? Letting their children run free while their jewelry and diamonds are all locked up to keep them safe. Perhaps if more parents took care of their children, better than they might be doing, there would be fewer of all of the terrible things that are going on now.
Perhaps if these "celebrities" weren't so full of themselves and selfish and whiny, fewer children would be that way (yet another reason for parents to watch their children more closely).
All of these (forgive me), idiots that are wanting to take the 10 Commandments out of certain places, wanting to take "In GOD we trust" out of the Pledge Of Allegiance, it is simply stupid and downright disgusting!
No matter what, the 10 Commandments still stand, God is still in Control and always will be, no one will ever be able to stop that. No one could even attempt to, and if they did, wow, I would feel sorry for that person.
God is in Control, the Universe and all that lies therein are God's and His Alone, whether you people like it or not! You can't stop God, so don't even attempt to take Him out of this Country, 'cause it's just not gonna happen. May we ALL be thankful for that!!
Satan will not win, he cannot win, he fears God, why don't you?

Jesus said:
28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Matthew 10:28

God be praised, He reigns forever!
Alive because of His Blood,


Brittany November said...

Hey there! Amen :)
I just figured I owe it to you to post a comment since you're the only one who posts on my blog. LOL!
You're right. It is pretty pitiful that our country has come this way. I've been reading a lot into this and the similarities between the U.S. now and Greece (In it's decline) are sobering. It definetly needs prayer!
Well, I should go. Luv ya! "Guitar girl" :)

Anonymous said...

Good words. I share your feelings.

Katie said...

Thanks Rhett.

Katie said...

Guitargirl, I thought I left a comment on your blog saying thank you, but I see I didn't. Sorry about that.
Thank you too.
Lol, don't worry about it, took a while for me to get comments on my blog too. One thing that helps is to comment on other peoples' blogs and then they will probably come over to your blog and possibly comment on it too:) That's pretty much how I got most of mine;) We shall walk through this blogging journey together, lol, ok, that was weird;)
Love ya!