Friday, April 23, 2010

Hope Chest

Howdy!  To my faithful readers (though you be few, LOL!), I'm sorry I haven't written for awhile.  Believe it or not, I keep meaning to write, but ya know.

Anyways, I have a temporary Hope Chest (I had to use a pink plastic box before, lol;)) and my friend, Meghan, wants to know what it looks like so I thought I would finally get around to posting some pictures of it;)
It's actually my Mommy's cedar chest but she told me I could use it until I have one of my own.  I'm so excited because Chris is going to make me one sometime and that's so awesome!

So, here it is with nothing on it.  Isn't it pretty???  And it smells divine!!

I just had to decorate it a bit because I don't like plain surfaces.  So, I have a tea-set, a pretty box (it was actually a box for a travel coffee mug that my Mommy got me at the Family Christian Store awhile ago, but I thought it was soooo pretty that I just had to put it there!!), a hand-held fan that my 'sis', Monica, got me, a little blue dish, and one of my favorite porcelain dolls!  Oh, they're all sitting on top of my pink baby blanket:)

Here's what the inside looks like.

My two babydolls that I took EVERYWHERE when I was little, Michelle and Chastity (though, their nicknames are Mitzy and Chaz)!!  Yes, I gave them voices and they were my 'little sisters'.  When my brothers and I were in school, Mommy would always have to take them with her wherever she went (though they didn't go in places with her) because I didn't want them to be home alone.  Mitzy has a little bit of an eye problem as you can tell.  She's one of those dolls that would close her eyes when you her laid her down, well something happened to them so Mommy and Chris once took "eye-drops" (superglue;)) to fix the problem.  Oh, the stories I could tell!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this little venture once again into my Hope Chest!

So, let's see if there's anything new with us.  Monday-Thursday, Mommy, Chris, and I went to Memaw and Grandpa's everyday to do some work for them, which is always awesome just so we can be with them and they're always SO appreciative which totally makes it worthwhile!  It's just so fun to be with them and awesome when we can see them so often!  God has truly blessed us!  
Chris had to use a power washer on their deck so we could paint it soon and it was a blessing that he finished it yesterday because it's raining today and is supposed to continue for like the next 4 days:)  God is so Good!!

You all have a blessed day!
God bless!
Grace be with you!

Alive because of His Blood,
Katie Bekah

Monday, April 5, 2010


Howdy!  My friend, Sara, did this on her blog and I wanted to do it as well, so I stole it from her and am doing it :)

Are you right-handed or left-handed?  Right

Have you ever had anything removed from your body?  Nope.

What is the last heavy item you lifted?  I don't know, probably a box wif stuff in it.

What is your salad dressing of choice?  Ranch.

What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?  Applebee's.

What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?  Probably a romaine salad with cheddar cubes, cauliflower, broccoli, popcorn chicken, potato sticks, ranch dressing, and cherry tomatoes.

What are your pizza toppings of choice?  Mushrooms, Roma tomatoes, black olives, and pepperoni.

What do you like to put on your toast?  Butter and jelly.

If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?  Nope.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?  Lauren Grace

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?  Probably.

How many pairs of flip flops do you own?  Nil.

Last time you had a run-in with the cops?  Never had a run-in with cops.

Last person you talked to in person?  Other than my family, the cashier dude and the bagger dude at Kroger.

Favorite Month?  December.

Mood?  Ya know.

What are you listening to?  Birdies tweeting outside :)

Watching?  Nothing.

Worrying about?  My Mommy has had a bad headache for a few days :(

What’s the last movie you watched?  Just finished watching "The Dark Knight" with Chris.  I didn't see the very beginning, but I saw most of it.

Do you smile often?  Lol, yes :)

Do you always answer your phone?  Nope.

If you could change your eye color what would it be?  Oooohh, I like my blue eyes :)

What flavor do you add to your drink at Starbucks?  Umm, I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to answer this question, but I like Cinnamon Dolce Latte and sometimes add an extra shot of espresso :)

Do you own a digital camera?  Yep!

Have you ever had a pet fish?  Yes.

Favorite Christmas song?  All of the songs on Mr. Bocelli's "My Christmas" :)  No better versions of those songs than his, in my opinion :)

What’s on your wish list for your birthday?  My Birthday was a few months ago so I don't have a list.  Actually, I never do, just a list of things I'd like to do on my Birfday :)

Can you do push-ups?  Don't think so.

Can you do a chin up?  Unfortunately, no.

Do you have any saved texts?  Not really saved, I just haven't cleaned out my inbox yet.

Ever been in a car wreck?  We had a tree fall on our car once.

Do you have an accent?  On occasion :p

What is the last song to make you cry?  I don't know.

Plans tonight?  We have to go to the grocery store and the library.

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?  I don't think so.

Name 2 things you bought yesterday:  1. Nothing: 2. More nothing.

You ever been given roses?  No, but my oldest brother, Tommy, gave me a little vase of flowers on my Birfday :)

Current hate right now?  Manchester United loss to Chelsea FC (their second goal should NOT have stood!!).

Met someone who changed your life?  I don't think 'changed my life', but made it better :)

What were you doing 12 AM last night?  Hangin' out in the living room with my bro, Chris :)

What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?  I don't know.  Chris had already turned on "The Dark Knight", so I just started watching that.

How many televisions are in your house?  3: one in Mommy and Daddy's room, one in the living room and a little one in my room that I really never use.

What color cell phone do you have?  It's a boring silver-ish one but I put pretty sparkly jewels on it :)

What does the first text message in your inbox say and who sent it?  "Happy Valentine's Day!!:)  Xoxoxox", my friend, Katie :)

Who was the last person to call you?  Haha!  Meghan just now called me as soon as I got to this question!


Okie, I tag Mommy, Guitargirl, and Meghan....unless she already did it, then never mind ;)

God bless and pray for my Mommy 'cause she has a bad headache :(

Oh, also, God blessed us with an awesome thunderstorm today!  After Mommy and I got back from the grocery store and I told her I would get the groceries (there were only a few bags) and my back and hair were all soaked!

K, gotta go!

Grace be with you!
Alive because of His Blood,
Katie Bekah