Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Hello anyone who reads my blog,
I guess you know that it's Thanksgiving, don't know how you couldn't know, lol!
Thought I would tell you about our lovely day today, if you wanna hear it, if you don't then don't read it or read it anyway:p
So, let's see sadly Mommy has a stomachache so she didn't get to eat today, which is so sad, because she missed out on Memaw's Mashed Potatoes, which are the best in the whole world:) and because she just wasn't feeling good and it's no fun when you don't feel good, especially on holidays.
Okay, so back to our lovely day....we went to Memaw's and spent the whole day there and I think everyone would agree with me that the highlight of the day was seeing my cousin Mikey. We haven't seen him for about a year or so, so it's always a treat to get to see him. Back in 2000 his older brother (my cousin) Jeremy passed away and after that his parents got divorced so he has every reason to be bitter, but nope, he is a blast to be with and always keeps us laughing. For a while he didn't talk to my Uncle (his dad) and he wasn't a Christian, but he has changed so much and is reading and studying a lot about Christianity, please pray for him. I am so thankful and so proud of the man he has become!! Praise God!! His mom isn't a Christian but she and my Uncle get along now and we're hoping she will come to Memaw and Grandpa's for Christmas, we haven't seen her forever and to be honest....I kind of miss her. So my Uncle is gonna try to remember to invite her and then we'll see. God's Will be done. Anyway, Mikey is a pretty cool dude.
I am very thankful for the wonderful Thanksgiving that God Blessed us with!
Now, I'm looking forward to Christmas even more because Mikey is coming back down to Memaw and Grandpa's for Christmas!!
God Bless you!
Alive Because of His Blood,

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Well, we finally became members of our Church today!! We are so excited and so thankful!!
After the Service, there was a Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal and we had a great time with that too! Let's see, we brought my Homemade Bread and Butterscotch Pie and Mommy made Sweet Potato Casserole and we brought Cranberry Sauce and Cranberry Relish, which was oh so delightful!! I was blessed to spend the whole time with a kind of new friend, she is such a sweetheart and it was a blast to spend that time with her. I
was also blessed to talk to another girl that goes there and she is in her 20's and married and they told us today that they're expecting their first baby!! That is so exciting, oh we can't wait until it comes!!
So, the Lord blessed us with a wonderful day today! The food was good, the fellowship was wonderful, and the friendships we have with these lovely brothers and sisters in Christ are simply a joy and a gift from our Father in Heaven!
I am so thankful for this Church and our wonderful family that we have there!
Praise God!!
Alive because of His Blood,

Friday, November 16, 2007

Okay, So We're Closer To Being Members

Alas, we were not able to join the Church last week because our Pastor...forgot, he felt so bad for doing so and kept apologizing, but we told him that it was alright and he said we will join this week! We are so looking forward to it!
There will be a Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal this week and we're bringing a lot of tasty stuff: Cranberry Sauce (original and with walnuts & mandarin oranges), Butterscotch Pie, Sweet Potato Casserole and to everyone's request at Church I will make my Homemade Bread. So we will be busy cooking tomorrow (I love days where I can just cook all day:)) and I can't wait!
It is quite cold today and yesterday it flurried for about a minute or so, although it didn't last long, it was rather pretty! Thank You Creator!
Mommy talked to her Mommy today (Memaw) and we learned that my favorite little cousin and her family aren't coming up for Thanksgiving:( We very rarely see them, so it is always a treat when we do get together with them, but alas, nay, not this year. They will probably come up for Christmas though, at least I hope they do, Lord Willing.
It has been a rather lazy day today although there are things to do, but it's just so cold! What needs to be done won't take long though. Now, since it's cold one would wonder why I 'm not getting things done so I can get warm, and to be honest, I'm wondering the same thing, lol.
This is, after all, time that God has given me and I will never get it back, just have it for a short while so why don't I use it wisely? It would also help me in my quest to become a homemaker someday, teach myself not to waste time.
I told one of my friends that I wasn't being myself one day, not really wanting to do anything and I was kind of afraid that I would be the same way when I'm married. She told me that she and I both will probably have those kinds of days when we have families of our own to take care of and she told me not to worry about it, that made me feel better. I suppose another hindrance (a good one though) is when Mommy, Chris, and I are talking. We can be anywhere in the house (knowing full well that things need to be done) and we can always find something to talk about and we can talk forever. We are so close and we love being together, so if they're talking about something but I'm busy and I hear them then I usually go in to see what they're talking about so it takes me even longer to finish what I started, lol, it does get finished, just not as quickly as it would've been. I will admit that I get mad at myself for doing that, but it gets kind of lonely when I'm doing something and they're doing something else, even if we're only a few steps away from each other. Like right now, Chris is upstairs and Mommy is in the living room, and I'm wishing they were in here with me. Can you imagine what it will be like when Chris gets a job?! or even when I get married and my Husband is working? I've always dreamed of having my family live close to my Husband and me, but I'll wait and see what the Lord has planned. No matter what happens, I know God is in Control.
Anyway, let's is rather cold here today and yesterday we had a few little flurries for about a minute or so. So, I'm just sitting here listening to music and trying to stay warm with an afghan wrapped around me that used to be my Mawmaw's (Daddy's Mom) but she gave it to us.
Alive because of His Blood,

Sunday, November 4, 2007

We're Almost Members!!!

We're officially joining our Church next week!! A Ruling Elder at our Mother Church came today (along with his family, his daughter is one of my best friends) and after the Service we talked with him and the Pastor and next week we will go before the Congregation and make our vows then we will be officially members!! Yea!!!
More good news, yesterday was Chris' 21st Birthday (whoever reads my blog, could you wish him a Happy Birthday please??)!! In our family, it's our Birthday until we get our cake, so he hasn't had his cake yet, but I will make it for him sometime soon. It will be his favorite (of course) my homemade Old Fashion Carrot Cake!!
Seeing as it is rather late, I suppose I should go, just wanted to to stop by and say, "Hi"!!!!
Alive because of His Blood,