I'm 23 and a Reformed Presbyterian. I am a homeschool graduate, homeschooled from 4th grade to 12th and loved every minute of it, had (and still have the best teachers ever;) I love all things feminine!! Favorite colors are pink, blue, purple. I believe in courtship and waiting for the Lord's time to bring my future husband and me together. I love my Lord Jesus Christ with all of my heart, but know I am completely unworthy of His Love. He chose me to be part of His Elect but I don't know why. I was conceived and born in sin. I am the worst of sinners and am deserving of death, but because of God's Love and Grace I am saved from His wrath and Hell because He sent His One and Only Son to die for me. I am unworthy and a sinner, He had compassion on me. I don't know why. I am eternally grateful for His Precious, Holy Blood spilled on Calvary on the Cross for me. Thank You Jesus.
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