Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Trees

Ok, so like, I've been meaning to get on here and write about stuff, haha, obviously.
Umm, on Friday, I think, we went to Mawmaw & Pawpaw's and put their tree up for them and had a fun time visiting with them for a couple of hours. After we left there we went to Memaw and Grandpa's and did a few things for them. Memaw even cooked us supper! The best spaghetti ever! So, yeah, we had an awesome visit with them as well. It was so cool to visit both grandparents in one day:)
Sabbath night we got our tree and then yesterday while Mommy and I were out, Daddy and Chris put the tree up and last night we watched "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer" while we ate and then we decorated the tree, it was really fun:)
These past few nights, we have also been driving around looking at Christmas lights, that's always fun too:)
I love my life and thank God everyday for my lovely family and all of the time we spend together.
The Lord has blessed us with a beautiful snowfall today! We're supposed to get 3-4", I can't tell if we have that much or not, but it's just gorgeous! I know, one of my best friends, Guitargirl would love it >:) Isn't that right, dear?? LOL! Ok, so she hates cold weather....
Mommy and I are prolly gonna wrap Christmas gifts today, I don't know. I, of course, will not be "present", haha, lol, lame, I know, when she's wrapping my gifts, but I'm going to help her with the men's gifts ("men" being my awesome Daddy, and two awesome brothers!) and I also have a few to wrap. I actually still have to finish a gift for my lil cousin, so hopefully I can get that done soon too, if not today even.
So, ummm, byebye!
Alive because of His Blood,

Monday, December 8, 2008

Quote Game Answers....

I know it has been a lil while since I have updated y'all, but I had a cold for a few days and am now pretty much over it, thankfully:) I decided I should prolly tell you all what the movie quotes are from, haha, seeing as how it's been a while! Though, I was hoping at least one person would know some of them, but oh well. I thought about giving it like another week or so before saying what they are, but I'll just say them now anyway....


1-2 Are from "Goal! The Dream Begins".
3-4 Are from "A Muppet Christmas Carol".
5-9 Are from "Luther".
10 Is from "The Count of Monte Cristo".
11 Is from Lemony Snicket's "A Series of Unfortunate Events".
Now, my friend Guitargirl got number 12, but I'll say it anyway, it's from "Home Alone 2, Lost In New York".

There ya go, you no longer have to wait in suspense!

A couple of days ago, the Lord blessed us with a beautiful snowfall! About an inch or so fell, and it was sooo pretty! It's almost gone now, but we're supposed to have more this week, so we'll see. It is soooo cold here, but I love it!
We're hoping to get our Christmas tree this week and hopefully put up some Christmas lights, Lord willing.
Well, I suppose I shall go now!

Alive because of His Blood,

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

15 Things I'm Not Afraid To Admit.....

My friend Guitargirl tagged me again, so here ya go!

1- I'm a Reformed Presbyterian.

2- My family are my best friends.

3- I want to be a keeper at home someday.

4- I LOVE Family Force 5!

5- I would love to go to England someday with my brother so we can see a Man U game!

6- I would rather spend time with my brother than any other guy on Earth! (Of course, that will change when I get married;)).

7- My best friends (outside of my family) live MILES away from me, but I would gladly drive that far to see them! :0)

8- I love my Lord Jesus Christ with all of my heart!

9- I cannot stand Jars Of Clay!!!!!!!!!!

10- I am a Republican.

11- Though I am not a huge video gamer, I love playing FIFA with my brother!! Well, other games too, but that's our favorite!

12- My favorite Serie A team is Inter Milan!

13- I love Chivalry in a man.

14- Even though real Football is my favorite sport, I would still watch any other sport with my Daddy.

15- My Mommy is my best girlfriend!

Ummmm, I'm going to add a few more, lol!

16- I believe in courtship.

17- Lauren Barlow is my favorite Barlow *girl*.

18- I would do anything for those I love.

19- I was just wondering what people would say if they were supposed to say 15 things they would never want to admit....would they admit them? ;)

20- Whenever I'm alone in the dark, my heart starts beating faster because I don't like being alone in the dark.

21- 20 was prolly one of the things I wouldn't want to admit, but oh well.

There you have it!

Alive because of his Blood,
P.S. Maiden Meghan, if you want to do this too, I know you don't have a blog so you can do it in a comment, if you want to. It's up to you, m'dear! :o)

Monday, December 1, 2008


Oh my gosh, the Lord has blessed us with an absolutely beautiful snowfall today! I'm watching it right now and am just so thankful for it.

Mommy and I got to go to Church yesterday and we had a lovely time, it has been awhile since we have been able to go so it was a real blessing. Chris wasn't able to go because he was sick, but he's getting over it now, so we're thankful for that too.

I must say I am finding it kind of strange that I'm posting again, but I know my friends *Guitargirl* and *Maiden Meghan* enjoy reading my posts, so that's good, they're my motivation:) Plus my Mommy likes reading them too, so she is my motivation as well:)

So, let's see, one reason I haven't posted in a long time is because we had to get rid of our old computer, but before that I don't know why I didn't post anything, I will try to keep up now though!
Of course, I said that before and it didn't work, so I'm not promising anything. It really depends on if I can think of anything to write.

Umm, my Thanksgiving was wonderful. We went to Memaw and Grandpa's and had a lovely time with everyone. Ya know, you're supposed to eat a lot on Thanksgiving, but I didn't, haha. I was much too busy spending time with my 7 year old lil cousin. Memaw was telling me that before we got there she kept saying my name and kept asking about me and wanted us to get there soon. She's a cutie and I am so thankful for her, she loves me so, and I love her so, more like a lil sister than a cousin. Sometimes she'll even want to play a lil game where we pretend I'm her big sister and I just find that so cute. She has two older sisters of her own a couple years older than me, but she looks up to me and loves being with me so that's really special. She lives about 4 hours away and we don't get to see them very often, but when we do, she gets so excited. I love it when she wants me to read little stories to her and she cuddles up next to me and sometimes fall asleep with her head on my lap, it's such a precious moment to me and I always thank God for that special time with her.

You prolly noticed my Christmas background and I hope you all like it. Well, even if you don't I'm still keepin' it, I just hope you like it, that's all, lol!
It's pretty, right??? *Guitargirl* says I'm so "festive", haha, I try;)

Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. I've always dreamed of having Christmas parties with friends and stuff, but I have never been able to have any. For I have no friends that live close enough. Save for two, but I don't know what we would do anyway or where we would have it. I mean I could do something here, but I just don't know. There are some wonderful ideas in a book that I got some years ago for Christmas called "Elsie's Christmas" or something like that and it's a book about how Elsie Dinsmore (Life Of Faith series) would have celebrated Christmas in the 1800's and I would love to do stuff like that. I love all of my friends, but the two are younger than me (11 and 13) and I just don't know how we would do it. Hopefully sometime I will be able to do something with some buddies (even the ones that live a long way away from me, being Guitargirl and Maiden Meghan and I have 3 others). Umm, if these two younger buddies happen to be reading this, I don't mean to be mean or anything by saying that, for I love you both very much!
Plus, I'm sure that they're all a lot more busy than my family and I are around this time of the year, Lord willing, someday I will be able to do something like this.

I suppose I should stop for right now, for I do believe I shall write another post, whoa!

Alive because of His Blood,

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Questions

Guitargirl had these questions on her blog, so I thought I would do them too:)

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both

2. Real tree or Artificial? Real!

3. When do you put up the tree? Depends

4. When do you take the tree down? No time in particular, just whenever.

5. Do you like eggnog? Yes, with rum!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Prolly my dolls.

7. Hardest people/person to buy for? Don't know.

8. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes

9.. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail

10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I don't know.

11. Favorite Christmas Movie? The Muppet Christmas Carol

12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Umm, really, just all throughout the year.

13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Not that I recall.

14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Fudge, Memaw's Mashed Potatoes!! But those are good anytime!

15. Lights on the tree? Yes'um!

16. Favorite Christmas song? Hmm, it depends on who's singin' it because I have favorite versions of Christmas songs, but not necessarily a very favorite song.

17. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Well, we don't exactly travel but we go to Daddy's parents and then Mommy's parents, but it's not far away so I wouldn't necessarily call it traveling.

18. Can you name all 9 of Santa's reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixon, Comet, Cupid, Donder, Blitzen, Rudolph

19. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel

20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Day

21. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Happy "Holidays"

22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Pink and victorian!

23. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Memaw's mashed potatoes!!

24. What do you want for Christmas this year? Books, ?????

There y'all go!
Alive because of His Blood,

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Quote Game

Okie dokie, one of my best friends, "guitargirl", tagged me to write quotes from movies and see if anyone can guess what they are, so, here ya go, m'dear! There are a lot of them and a lot of quotes are from the same movies.

1. "The only one who can tell me I'm not good enough is you. And even then I may not agree with you."

2. [a bunch of the guys are going into a bar] Do I need an ID or anything?
ID... Identification?
Yeh... I mean, how old do you have to be to get a drink here?
...er eleven.

3. Light the lamp, not the rat, light the lamp.

4. Mother always taught me: "Never eat singing food."

5. That day when you sent me out so boldly to change the world, did you really think there wouldn't be a cost?

6. Unless I am convinced by Scripture and by plain reason and not by Popes and councils who have so often contradicted themselves, my conscience is captive to the word of God. To go against conscience is neither right nor safe. I cannot and I will not recant. Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me.

7. So when the devil throws your sins in your face and declares that you deserve death and hell, tell him this: "I admit that I deserve death and hell, what of it? For I know One who suffered and made satisfaction on my behalf. His name is Jesus Christ, Son of God, and where He is there I shall be also!"

8. [giving a lecture] When I became a monk I believed the monks cow would make me holy. Was I an arrogant fool? Now they have made me a doctor of divinity and I am tempted to believe that this scholars robe will make me wise.

9. Well, God once spoke through the mouth of an ass, and...
[laughter] Perhaps he is about to do so again. But...
[leaves his rostrum and starts walking around in the classroom. The students follow him very interested with their eyes] I will tell you straight what I think. Who here has been to Rome?
[a student raises his hand] No. For twice that I could have sprung grandmother and uncle mothers too, but...
[laughter] I didn't have the funds, so they had to stay in the hot place. As for myself, the priests assured me that by gazing at sacred relics, I could cut down my time in purgatory. Luckily for me, Rome has enough nails from the holy cross to shoe every horse in Saxony.
[laughter] But there are relics elsewhere in Christendom. Eighteen out of twelve apostles are buried in Spain.
[laughter] And yet here in Wittenberg we have the pick on the crown. Bread from the last supper, milk from the virgins breast, a thorn that pierced Christ's brow on cowberry and nineteen thousand other bits of sacred bone.
[laughter] All authentic, ancient, sacred relics. Even Johann Tetzel himself, inquisitor of Poland and Saxony, seller of indulgences extraordinary, connoisseur of relics, envies our collection.
[laughter] To posses them for a single night he would willingly surrender five years of his earthly life...
[laughter, returns to his rostrum] Or five hundred years in Purgatory.

10. How is your father?
Alive, unfortunately.
We share the same misfortune.

11. This... is a little piece I like to call, "The Electric Chair".
[Sits in a chair. Everybody stares at him, while nothing happens]
[Country/Redneck accent] I think ya' might have t' turn it up! [Regular accent] I mean that...

12. What kind of idiots do you have working here?
The finest in New York.

I know that's a lot, but I just thought I would have a lil fun with it:)
Hopefully I will be able to think of more stuff to blog about soon. For I know two of my friends that read my blog miss my posts!!
Alive because of His Blood,

Friday, August 8, 2008

My "Famous Bread" (as requested by my dear friend Meghan:))

Hello everyone,
I make this bread and everyone that has it just loves it! I always have to make it at our Church's Fellowship Meals (and am always more than happy to do so), because they just love it. The first time I took it, everyone just said how much they loved it and at the second one that we went to, it was requested, so now I just make it for every Fellowship Meal, it's one thing that gets eaten up there all the time. I, of course, make it at home a lot too and am more than happy to do that as well:) Anyway, my sweet friend Meghan asked me to put it up here, so here it is:

Katie’s Homemade Bread
Makes 3 loaves

½ Cup lukewarm water
1 package (OR 2 tsp) yeast
1 tsp sugar
2 Cups lukewarm water
1 ¼ tsp salt
1/3 Cup sugar
1 ¾ T shortening
7 or 8 cups flour (I find 7 works just fine)
3 T Dough Enhancer (optional) we purchase ours from

Dissolve yeast and 1 tsp sugar in ½ cup lukewarm water. Add water, salt, sugar, shortening and dough enhancer, mix well. Add flour two cups at a time. Turn dough on to lightly floured surface. Knead adding more flour as necessary to keep it from sticking until smooth and elastic . Let rise until doubled in size. Roll out on a lightly floured surface and shape the dough into three loaves. Put in greased loaf pans and let rise for about 35 or so minutes. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes (each oven is different J) until top is light brown and sounds hollow when you knock on the top!
Delicious, hot out of the oven spread with some real butter!

I actually don't make any other kind of bread because everyone loves this one. I have made others, but everybody says that this is the best. Hope you like it!
Alive because of His Blood,

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Two more favorites, by all five of them.

Oh yeah, the first one is called "Heartland" and the second one is called "Raggle Taggle Gypsy". I guess I could have mentioned that before;)

Love this song! (Celtic Thunder fella)

Forgot to mention, this song is called "I Want To Know What Love Is".

Sunday, July 27, 2008

One Life, Not Much Time

Today is the Sabbath and I was just thinking of the way a Sabbath should be spent. Going to Church, (granted we aren't able to go to Church every week and I'm sure other people aren't either) spending time in God's Word, praying (though those things should be done everyday), doing all things that would keep the Sabbath day Holy.
Now, how often do I do that? Unfortunately, not often at all. Instead, this stupid computer takes up my time, or we'll be watching some kind of movie or something together. While it is nice to have a day of rest and time spent with family (meaning, just here, because we don't do things with extended family like some people do on the Sabbath, hopefully we will someday) and we do have fun together, whatever we're doing, still there is no reason why we can't give time to God. We have only one life, and such a short amount of time on this earth, we must spend this time wisely and in a way that is pleasing to God, that is giving our lives to and for God. I pray everyday that I might be a living sacrifice to Him, no matter what. How am I going to do that by wasting time with things that are so terribly unimportant? Now, spending time with family is important, but it is better to do it in a way that actually means something. Sure, we can sit down every once in a while and watch a show or a movie, but why do we keep sitting there, even when there's nothing on? It is not a sin to rest, God tells us to, it is, however, a sin to use that precious time doing nothing.
So often, I say that I need to make to time to read and continue improving my homemaking skills, but I don't because my time is wasted doing things that, well, waste time and are in no way helpful to my homemaking or reading, or whatever needs to be done around here. The funny thing is, if I do the things that need to be done then I will have time to do other things, but I don't always follow through.
So what happens? I sit here for a while (most of the time wasting the time on the computer and not using it wisely at all) and think, "oh, I'll get started later", then a "little" while later I'll look at the clock and sometimes even a few hours have gone by and I wonder how that time went so fast and why I wasn't doing anything. So, later, I get angry at myself because of things I didn't do and regret wasting that time. The next day I decide everything is going to be different, but it isn't always that way, sometimes I will do the exact same thing and I hate it.
God gave me this life and looking down at a clock to see what time it is or whatever is just a reminder that I used this time in a way that was pleasurable to me, but in no way honoring my God and King. This life is to be lived to Him and for Him, He didn't put me here for me, but for Him. I know I disappoint Him with this, so why is it so hard for me to stop? Satan doesn't want me to use my time for God, so I fall into this temptation and later feel so bad for doing so, but know I could never take it back, so I need to start anew the next day, but I fall into it again. I do not spend enough time in God's Word, or enough time with Him and that makes Satan very happy, that is such a disgusting and terrible thought, especially knowing the God is disappointed in me, how could I disappoint the One Who made me, Who gave His Son for my life that I may live and live to Him, but instead do what pleases me?
God is not angry with me when I do it, He can't be mad at me, for Christ intercedes for me and has made me righteous by His Holy shed Blood on the cross so that I would not face God's wrath. Because Jesus died for me, God cannot be angry with me.
What a Loving God we serve, that He would give me life through His Son Jesus Christ. I pray that my life my be lived to bring Him glory and that there be none left over for myself.
Using my time wisely is something I really struggle with, so I would very much appreciate prayer for this.
It is so easy to just sit down for a few hours and do nothing, though I could be reading or working on crocheting or something like that and hopefully my life will change for God. It is especially easy on days that are soooo extremely hot like they have been for weeks now. But, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength, now if only I constantly remember that and remember to pray for that strength
May God be glorified in all of my life!
Alive because of His Blood,

Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Thoughts

Last Sabbath, at Church, our Pastor was preaching and he said that there are more Christians in China than the USA. As wonderful as it is that there are so many Christians there, it is quite sad that a Country that was built on Biblical principles has fewer Christians.
As my brother, Chris, said "people over in China are being persecuted every day for their Christian beliefs while we sit here in our nice little houses......". I know that's not true for every Christian, but I know there are some (including myself) that could and should do so much more.
God sent us to be His emissaries and how are we spreading His Gospel if we are not living it or spreading it?

For Jesus said:
6 but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 7 And proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’
Matthew 10:6-7

I am not saying that you must leave your home and all of your loved ones and everything behind you and go to foreign countries (unless God calls you to), but rather live the Gospel, love the Gospel, and spread the Gospel, even in your own home, whether your whole family are Christians or not. I know, I myself, need to work on this, as I do not do a good job of it, if any at all.......
There is Mission Work that needs to be done right here in this Country, no matter where you go or where you are, God's Word must be spread and lived.

Lately, I must confess, some of the things going on in this Country are simply sickening, gay marriages, abortions, girls getting pregnant before marriage or even before the marrying age. A Country that was built on Biblical principles has now become a pit of sin, and what are we doing about it? What are some of these parents doing about it? Letting their children run free while their jewelry and diamonds are all locked up to keep them safe. Perhaps if more parents took care of their children, better than they might be doing, there would be fewer of all of the terrible things that are going on now.
Perhaps if these "celebrities" weren't so full of themselves and selfish and whiny, fewer children would be that way (yet another reason for parents to watch their children more closely).
All of these (forgive me), idiots that are wanting to take the 10 Commandments out of certain places, wanting to take "In GOD we trust" out of the Pledge Of Allegiance, it is simply stupid and downright disgusting!
No matter what, the 10 Commandments still stand, God is still in Control and always will be, no one will ever be able to stop that. No one could even attempt to, and if they did, wow, I would feel sorry for that person.
God is in Control, the Universe and all that lies therein are God's and His Alone, whether you people like it or not! You can't stop God, so don't even attempt to take Him out of this Country, 'cause it's just not gonna happen. May we ALL be thankful for that!!
Satan will not win, he cannot win, he fears God, why don't you?

Jesus said:
28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Matthew 10:28

God be praised, He reigns forever!
Alive because of His Blood,

Saturday, May 17, 2008

May He Be Praised!!

Awhile ago, it seemed like everything was just caving in around me and nothing was going to get back to normal. All 5 of us were feeling stress and it's almost like knowing that everyone else was feeling stress put even more stress on us.
I think things are getting better now, hopefully.
About last Sabbath, I was feeling really low and depressed (I suppose from all of the stress), and the whole week I was like that, but tried not to show it. Well, a few days ago, I cannot really say when or how it happened, but that Joy that I had a few weeks ago just started flowing right through me again. I felt like nothing was gonna get better, but it was like the Lord showed me somehow that it's all going to be ok. Like I said, I don't know how to describe it.
A little while ago I was sent a questionnaire in an e-mail and one of the questions was something like "what have you learned in '08?" My answer was that I don't really know how to describe this.....I always knew that God was in control of everything and everything that happens is a part of His plan, but I never really grasped that. This year has been different, I am learning more and more to hand things over to Him and trust Him in all things. I don't think I worded it exactly like that, but it doesn't matter.
This past year has been hard on all of us going through this and that. I believe I have finally learned, though, that no matter what happens it is all according to God's Perfect Plan and I must trust Him. It is definitely difficult sometimes, but still, He is with me through everything and I know that.
Not only does everything happen according to His will, but everything that has happened and is yet to happen He has ordained since before there was time.
We don't always know why, but we should always trust that He has a reason for it and though it may be difficult because we don't understand, we must give Him praise. God has promised in His Word that He will never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6-31:8, Joshua 1:5, 1 Kings 8:57, 1 Chronicles 28:20, Hebrews 13:5) and I must remember to hold fast to that. God never breaks the promises He made to us, if any of us were to believe that He doesn't keep His promises then that person makes Him a liar. God does not lie, He does not fail, He does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He does not change neither can He. He is Perfect and Holy. Too Holy to look upon me in my sin, but because Jesus Christ shed His Precious, Holy Blood on the cross for me, He can look upon me because I have been washed in the Blood of the Holy, Spotless, Lamb. Not by my own doing, God ordained me to be His child. I did not choose Him, He chose me, as it is with all of His elect, we didn't choose Him, He chose us.
To think, that Jesus Christ was thinking about me when He was on the cross is almost too much to bear. I put Him on that cross, I crucified Him by my sins....He died because of me. I am the worst of sinners and deserving of nothing, but Hell and God's wrath, yet in God's Love and Grace He sent His Son, Holy and Sinless, to this cold world as a man to die. He lived a Perfect, Holy, Sinless life and then at 33 died on the cross as a sinner, but was NOT one, He died the death that I deserved.....that the Father's elect deserved.

Matthew 24:22
And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.

Matthew 24:24
For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.

Matthew 24:31
And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Mark 13:20
And if the Lord had not cut short the days, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, whom he chose, he shortened the days.

Mark 13:22
For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect.

Mark 13:27
And then he will send out the angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.

Luke 18:7
And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them?

Romans 8:33
Who shall bring any charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies.

Romans 9:11
though they were not yet born and had done nothing either good or bad—in order that God's purpose of election might continue, not because of works but because of him who calls—

Romans 11:7
What then? Israel failed to obtain what it was seeking. The elect obtained it, but the rest were hardened,

Romans 11:28
As regards the gospel, they are enemies of God for your sake. But as regards election, they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers.

1 Timothy 5:21
In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels I charge you to keep these rules without prejudging, doing nothing from partiality.

2 Timothy 2:10
Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.

Titus 1:1
Paul, a servant[1] of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, for the sake of the faith of God's elect and their knowledge of the truth, which accords with godliness,

By the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ I am alive and alive in Him.
I bid you all farewell for now!
Alive because of His Blood,
Praise Him at all times!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter and Stuff

Hello again!
I would like to tell you all about my Easter :)
Daddy had to work :( so it was just Mommy, my bros, and me. We went to Memaw and Grandpa's and Mommy, Chris, and I stayed there for about an hour then we had to leave at like 2:30 for Church. There was an Easter Fellowship Meal after the Service.
First I will tell you about my little goofy thing that I did :) I've typed this up so many times, but I still laugh every time, lol.
Ok, so there's a fella at Church (Matt...one of our Pastor's twin sons) and he's really the only young guy there that Chris and I have actually talked to. Anyway, I was sitting down and he was walking by me and I put my foot out to trip him, just for fun :) He jokingly said "don't trip me", not in a mean tone or anything, 'cause he laughed too. So that was kind of my thing for the rest of the day, when he walked by me I would do that and he would say that.
Well, at one point he was walking by me with a cup of water in his hand and he looked at me and said "don't even try it", lol. So, Chris and I are finally starting to be friends with the other kids at Church (not all of them yet, because there are some that we've never even talked to before, hopefully one day all of us can be good friends there).
There was also a family there that goes to our mother Church whose 3 year old daughter was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia about a year ago, but she is doing really well now. She isn't totally better, but she's getting there, I think. She was up and running around with the other children and having a swell time. She is such a cutie and it was such a blessing to finally meet her after all this time praying for her and reading all of the family's updates and stuff about her. They stayed for the Fellowship Meal too and when I was finished eating I got to hold her baby brother who will be 1 in a few months. The Lord blessed me with a nice long time to hold him. I haven't held a baby in so long, so I was in heaven with him in my arms :) We had a wonderful time with everyone!
Chris is a shy fella so he never really talked to any of the guys there, but these past couple Sabbaths we've talked to Matt for a little while. Well, during the Fellowship Meal when Chris was getting his drink Matt was at the same table and he asked Chris if he would like to play a board game! He said yes and they had a great time together!!! Mommy and I were so happy that Matt asked him! Mommy later told his Mom that she could've hugged Matt for asking Chris to play with them! Truth be told I could've done the same, but that wouldn't be proper ;)
To anyone who reads my blog, I am asking for prayer for the little family (parents and 4 children) I wrote about. They have had a hard time this past year and need lots of prayer.
Now to tell you about my new favorite group :)
Celtic Thunder: the best group I have heard well....ever! I absolutely love them and their music! They're on tour in America right now. It would be cool if we could see them in concert somewhere, but that is in the Lord's hands (as is everything else). Their CD just released in America a couple of weeks ago. I don't have it, but hope to get that and their DVD soon. Their voices sound wonderful together, very different, but amazing. So far, my favorite songs are "Heartland", "Caledonia", "Ireland's Call", "Raggle Taggle Gypsy", "The Mountains of Mourne", and "Lauren and I". I suppose that's all I'll say about them, seeing as how I can't think of anything else to say.
In the mean time, the Lord has blessed us with a beautiful rainy day today!! I like rainy days just as much as sunny days, and thus consider every day a blessing.
The Lord blessed us with a brief snow fall on Easter, which was very pretty. It only lasted a couple of minutes, but was beautiful as it gracefully and gently fell to the ground.
Chris has a cold so has just been resting on the couch trying to stay away from everybody and everything so he doesn't get his cold germs anywhere. Hopefully the rest of us won't get it, Lord Willing. Mommy and I have been taking care of him and getting him whatever he needs. Hopefully he'll start feeling better soon. He doesn't wanna miss Church or the Officer Training Class on Monday. I'm hoping and praying that he will feel better because I know he hates missing those times. Please keep him in your prayers also, if you don't mind.
Alive because of His Blood,

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Oh No!

Yes, my friends, it's true, Man United lost to Portsmouth:( It was a penalty kick that led to that fateful loss. Oh, we had so many chances, but alas, it just wasn't the Lord's Will that we win that game or the FA Cup, as we are now also kicked out of the FA Cup.
I will admit, it took me a while to get over this sad event, but I'm over it now and moving on. Never ever thought I could love a sport as much as I love real Football, but I do and it saddens me when our teams lose, but life goes on. There's always the hope that they will win the Premiere League. Plus, they'll always be our favorite no matter what!!
Anyway, we had a big snowfall starting on Friday and ended sometime yesterday. So there was a lot of snow on the ground, but the Lord Blessed us with beautiful sunshine today and the snow is melting away. Before there was so much snow that one couldn't even see our driveway because it was blanketed in snow but today that snow is going away and the driveway is popping through. Tommy even had to park his truck at the end of the driveway when he got home from work yesterday morning because he couldn't get it to go through the snow.
We were unable to go to Church today but that's alright, it was the Lord's Will.
I can't believe there are only two more weeks till Easter! I'm so excited, this is gonna be our first Easter that we get to spend at Church in like 8 years! The Lord has truly blessed us!!!!
All Glory, Laud, and Honor be to our Risen King!!!
Alive because of His Blood,

Friday, March 7, 2008

Man United

I'm listening to the song "Good Old Arsenal" right now, I am totally rooting for Manchester United tomorrow!!! They are our favorite team but Arsenal is our second favorite. I did listen to "Glory Glory Man United" before "Good Old Arsenal" so that's good:)
Unfortunately the game isn't gonna be aired on any of our channels but we'll see the results later.
Go Man United!!
Alive because of His Blood,

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Hello again!
Today was a rather lovely day. We went out for a while and took a nice little drive. Although it's cold today, the Lord has still blessed us with a beautiful day!! Mommy, Chris, and I went for a nice little walk tonight. The sky is gorgeous, just full of stars! Thank You Creator! Ahh yes, that walk was so refreshing. We haven't taken a walk for a while so though it was cold, it was so nice and I thank my Father for giving us the strength, energy, willpower, and the beautiful night we needed to go on this walk. We couldn't have done it without Him.
Without my Father, I am nothing and can do nothing. I know I am unworthy to be His child, to be loved by Him, and to have life through His Son Jesus Christ.
I shall now leave you with the lyrics to one of my very favorite hymns called, "Bow Down Thine Ear, O Lord, and Hear".
Alive because of His Blood,

Bow down Thine ear, O Lord, and hear,
For I am poor and great my need;
Preserve my soul, for Thee I fear;
O God, Thy trusting servant heed.

O Lord, be merciful to me,
For all the day to Thee I cry;
Rejoice Thy servant, for to Thee
I lift my soul, O Lord most high.

For Thou, O Lord, art good and kind,
And ready to forgive Thou art;
Abundant mercy they shall find
Who call on Thee with all their heart.

O Lord, incline Thine ear to me,
My voice of supplication heed;
In trouble I will cry to Thee,
For Thou wilt answer when I plead.

There is no God but Thee alone,
Nor works like Thine, O Lord most high;
All nations shall surround Thy throne
And their Creator glorify.

In all Thy deeds how great Thou art!
Thou one true God, Thy way make clear;
Teach me with undivided heart
To trust Thy truth, Thy Name to fear.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

No More Sushi!

Last night Chris went to a men's Officer Training Class held by one of the men from Church. Some of the men gather together and our Pastor teaches them about becoming an elder so that they could some day be elders for our Church as we don't have any yet because our Church is still in it's infancy. Chris isn't going there to train to be an elder, he's just going to listen and learn.
When Mommy and I picked him up afterwards, he told us how it was and he also told us that during their last prayer that our Pastor prayed, he prayed for Chris and what he said, I cannot remember, but it made me cry. Just knowing that our Pastor believes in Chris and understands him means the world to me. Oh, how I just love my Pastor and am so thankful that the Lord blessed us with him!!
Now, the reason this post is called "no more sushi!", because last night Mommy and I tried sushi for the first time and now we're both suffering from it with pretty bad stomachaches, though she feels worse than I.
We had planned on going to a Bible Study today, but since we're not feeling good (mainly Mommy) we were unable to go. I just hate seeing her feel so bad!! So we have decided to never ever have sushi again!!
We had a lovely time at Church this last Sabbath. My friend (the Pastor's daughter) was back from college for the week so I got to see her again and it was such a blast!
There's a young couple at our Church that are expecting their first baby!! We are so excited! I can't wait till it gets here! They're not gonna find out what it is though. She's due in May so that's not too far away and I am so looking forward to it and I know they are too! It's gonna be so great to have a little baby in the Church family!! The Lord has truly blessed us!!
Alive because of His Blood,

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Car Trouble

I thought I would tell y'all about our car trouble:)
Some days ago Mommy and Daddy were out in our van and it started making a funny noise and it died a couple times, we took it to the shop and we have it back now, but last night it started making the noise again. Ugh!! Also, the other morning Daddy was on his way to work in his car and something hit the bottom of his car and the oil poured out. He called Tommy (who was at work) and he and one of his friends came and picked him up and took him to work. A tow truck came and took Daddy's car to the shop and they said that it probably won't be ready till Tuesday! Tommy's car hasn't been working lately, meaning it doesn't really start and he bought a truck a while ago from a friend at work and now that doesn't really start all the time. So, basically none of our cars are in perfect working condition. Since Daddy doesn't have his car, he has to take the van to work so the rest of us (save Tommy) are cooped up in the house unless Mommy takes Daddy to work, which she plans to tomorrow so we can go to Church.
Mommy, Chris, and I have been doing a lot of cleaning up today and we got pretty much done, the house keeps lookin' better and better!! Chris mainly worked out in the garage but doesn't like how he arranged it all so he plans to rearrange sometime next week.
Alas, this one is rather short too, but Mommy and Daddy need to go to bed early 'cause they need to get up early for Mommy to take Daddy to work in the morning. Good night all!!
Alive because of His Blood,

Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm Still Alive!!

Hello all!!
I'm still alive and doing wonderful!! Two Sabbaths ago, I got to see one of my best friends again and we had a blast together!! She and her family came to our Church again and her Daddy preached because our Pastor wasn't feeling well the day before, but was actually better the next day and did come to Church. Oh, how I just LOVE my Church family as well as, of course, my family!
Now, through all the time that I haven't written I must admit, there is nothing new with us!!
Lately, I've just been tryin' to keep up with the house cleanin' and stuff, which has been going fairly well, though I will admit, I need some improvement, lol;)
One thing that I am praising God for is that I am convinced that my medication is working!!! Oh I am so thankful and all the glory goes to God Alone!!!
Well, I know this was extremely short, but Mommy needs to get on the computer because she needs to take Daddy to work tomorrow (early) and they both need to get some sleep!
Alive because of His Blood,

Friday, January 25, 2008

Well, I went to my Neurologist this Tuesday and it turns out that I do indeed have epilepsy. I will now have to take one pill every day for the rest of my life (as long as these pills work), but that's alright. I am just thanking God that this is treatable and that once they start working, I will once again be able to have a normal life. I say that because I have motor tics and I sometimes find myself worrying that I will have one in front of people or when I'm drinking something. Sometimes I do have one or a few but oh well, there's nothing I can do about it. Everything that happens is a part of God's Perfect Will and I find myself trusting Him more and more since I had my seizure. I know full well that my life is in hands and He has a reason for everything, there is no reason I cannot trust Him, no reason to doubt Him. He made the whole universe and all that lies therein, how could I not trust Him? He holds my life in His hands.
I will admit, I do get frustrated sometimes when I have a tic, but most of the time nowadays it doesn't really bother me. I must just accept it and just trust His Perfect Will and pray that He will use this for His Own Glory. God's Will be done.
Alive because of His Blood,

Saturday, January 19, 2008

What A Week!

We have had one hectic week and I thought I would tell you all about it.
On Monday I had a seizure and was rushed to the ER in an ambulance. I hadn't slept well the night before so I was just laying in bed for a while and then decided to get up and that's when I had it, it was my first and hopefully my last one. We stayed there for about 3 or so hours. My Pastor had come down and I was really touched by that. I mean, I know it's part of a Pastor's job, but he even told Mommy that that's not the only reason he came down, he did it because he loves us and wanted to be with us at that time.
On Tuesday, I went to the doctor because of it.
Wednesday was my 18th Birthday, but we weren't able to do anything because Mommy and Daddy wanted me to rest. Wednesday night I literally didn't get any sleep at all because......
Thursday I had to have a sleep-deprived EEG. So as you can imagine I was rather tired and all I thought about was going home to bed. When we left there we came home, ordered Chinese food, went to pick it up, came home, put in the "Sound of Music" DVD (that my bro got me for Christmas:)), and ate. It probably wasn't 5 minutes after I ate that I was sound asleep and then slept for about 5 hours. It was nice, I was all warm (bro had brought my mattress downstairs some nights ago, because he and I sleep in the living room sometimes, he sleeps on the couch and I sleep on the mattress) and Mommy and bro were right there with me. Mommy had stayed awake with me and bro was going to but we told him we wanted him to get some sleep. The EEG wasn't bad though not something I would want to have done on a regular basis or more than once, unless it was the Lord's Will.
Yesterday and today we just kind of hung around the house, well today we went out for a bit and got to visit Memaw and Grandpa, which was fun.
Tuesday I have an appointment with a Neurologist so we'll see what he says.
I know the Lord had planned before there was time for me to have a seizure though I don't know why, but I am trying so hard to trust Him with this. I will admit though that there are times when I'm afraid of having another one, but I know those worries will pass. Everything that happens, no matter what, is all according to His Perfect Will.
I got a very sweet card from my dear friend Meghan a couple of days ago and she was just saying the sweetest things about how this is all a part of God's Perfect Will and I have to trust Him. I truly believe it was one of the sweetest cards I have ever received.
Since I know you read my blog, Thank you Meghan, those words meant a lot to me.....and so does your friendship. I love you!
Alive because of His Blood,

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Glory Man United

Ah, how I love Manchester United!! They're the best real Football team!
Go Cristiano Ronaldo!

Saturday, January 5, 2008


I must correct myself from my last post. I said that I am not "holy enough" . I am, in fact, not holy at all. Only by the Blood of Jesus Christ can I come to the Throne of God, nothing I do or say is good enough.
"For I dare not stand on my righteousness......"

Alive because of His Blood,

Friday, January 4, 2008

It's Been A While

Hello my good friends,
I am sorry I haven't written for a while.
Seeing as how it's been so long, I believe now I will tell you about the fun things that happened last month and what's going on now.
So, December 16th we had a Fellowship Meal at Church which was very nice. The Pastor's daughter (one of my best friends) was home from College and I gave her a late Birthday gift which she was very grateful for and that made me happy. The Saturday after that (the 22nd) my Uncle and his precious little daughter came up to Memaw and Grandpa's and I got to spend the day there playing with her (she's 6) and just spending time with my Uncle, cousin, and grandparents, also my Aunt was there for a little while which was fun as well!! Then on the 23rd another one of my best friends and her family were able to come to Church and after Church most of the members (including her and her family) went caroling which was so fun and we had a wonderful time together! Christmas was lovely! My Uncle and little cousin were unable to make it but another one of my cousins came which was so much fun! He is a blast to be with and he always keeps us laughing. We don't get to see him very often and it was just so wonderful having him at Memaw and Grandpa's for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
On New Year's Eve we just stayed home and Mommy, Daddy, Chris and I played games and ate snacks. We, of course, watched the ball drop which we've done every year for as long as I can remember. So, we had a fantastic evening at home.
Chris woke up with a bit of a cold today and Mommy has a headache:( I hate it when my loved ones don't feel well, but I know this is the Lord's Will and it His Will whether or not we go to Church this week. This would be the last week that the Pastor's daughter will be there before she leaves again for College, but that's okay, there's always the next time she's home whenever that may be.
I am so thankful for the New Year the Lord has brought us and I pray that this year His Name will be Glorified in everything I do, say, and write as It should have been last year. I pray for a change in my heart this year. I am not perfect or holy enough to come to God, yet I pray still that I may become the young lady that He wants me to be and never for one second think that I deserve His Love because I don't. I pray to be constantly reminded of the horrible, wretched, sinner I was before His Love and still am although He has Saved me for I am still His "unworthy maiden".
Alive because of His Blood,