The 24th was one of my best friend's Sweet 16th Birthday and I was going to write a post about her but I couldn't log in:( I thought today I would write one for her and then at the end write a teeny tiny bit about Lauren Barlow because today is her Birthday:) Mind you, I don't know her but she's awesome so I'm gonna anyway:) Not that she would ever visit my blog or anything but hey, why not?
Okie doke,
Happy (belated) Sweet 16th Birthday, Meghan!
Meghan and I started writing back and forth a couple of years ago (snail mail and occasional e-mail and we talk on the phone sometimes). She has been such a blessing to me and I love her like my own little sister. She is such a sweetheart and her love for Jesus Christ shines through her, in her smile, her letters, her voice, her laugh, her blog posts, she is so full of love and joy!
Meghan, is just like a little me! We have the same interests, we both LOVE the Victorian era and all things feminine. We both have dreams of being wives and mothers someday. So yeah, in just about every way we are alike. I am so thankful to God for bringing us together and I love her so much.
I pray that one day she and I will be able to meet each other face-to-face. We already have plans of going to Starbucks, getting some coffee, and just sitting in there talking and laughing for a long time. She also said she wants to make my bread with me and that would also be totally awesome!
I am so proud of the beautiful young lady she has become. Even though Meghan is younger than me, she is one of my role models and she is so cool:)
Happy Sweet 16 m'girl!!! I love you, Meghan!!!
So, here is a picture of a Sweet 16 Birthday cake just for you that I found online:)
Now to Lauren Barlow:)
Today is her 24th Birthday! Happy Birthday Lauren!!! Even though I don't know her, she is soooo cool! For those of you who don't know who Lauren Barlow is, she is the youngest sister in a Christian girl band called Barlow Girl. They're my favorite girl band and she's my favorite of the three of them. She's the drummer and she totally rocks at it:) I've never been to one of their concerts:( but I've seen videos online.
She is the funniest and the sweetest (I think) of all three of 'em. She's so pretty and has a beautiful voice!!! I look up to her too.
Let me go look for a picture of her real quick!
Here's one:
That picture of her is one of my favorites! She has a beautiful smile! So full of joy!
Here is another one of my favorites:
Now here is a funny video I found at of Lauren trying to get a bug off her top:)
Happy Birthday, Meghan and Lauren!
Alive because of His Blood,