I mean, like seriously, they are...but that's not what this post is about.
So, the other day I was talking to my bff,
Guitargirl, on the phone and was all, "I need to write a blog post but don't know what to write. Tell me what to write!", so she (being the bossy person that she is, LOL, jk;)) told me to write a post about my favorite movies and why they are my favorite movies.
Well...I was going to write that but, there's been a change in plans. You see, I had started writing it, but after about 15 or more minutes of not knowing what to write after the info-less review I had started writing, I decided to stop. Maybe someday I'll get around to it, but don't hold your breath ;)
Instead I'm going to write something useless (the main reason I'm writing this is simply to update my blog) that I've been meaning to write for a long time because I wanted to revise my review about Celtic Thunder's CD, "It's Embarrassment!"...uuuhh, I mean, "It's Entertainment!".
The way I reviewed it was rather harsh so I'll be a little nicer this time :)
Ok, so, Paul's voice isn't really as bad as I said. It's not that it is bad or anything, but the songs he sang just aren't suited for his voice, in my opinion. He has a REALLY nice voice but I personally think he should stick to the opera stuff because his voice is perfect for those songs. So ya know, love ya Paul, but please stick to the opera!
Then, there's Damian. I must admit that when I first heard his voice a few years ago, I guess he was 14, I was amazed that a 14 year old could have a voice like that. However, on their most recent album, he kinda does some weird things the way he sings and it's not very 'attractive', I guess. Also, one of his first songs he sang was "Puppy Love" and it was kinda cute on their first concert DVD but on one of their newer ones, well, he's too old for that now so that should just be forgotten in concert. I still like his voice, but ya know. So yeah, Damian, you're a good kid. One thing he's got goin' for him is he's a Manchester United fan and you can't go wrong there!
Umm, ok, Neil's song, "When You Wish Upon A Star", I'll stand by what I said earlier, that's just embarrassing and I don't think I could ever bring myself to listen to the whole thing, it isn't even on my iPod (Scrawny Ronnie). However, I really do like his voice anyways...even if he wasn't an original member but ya know, welcome aboard Neil!
I'm still totally against a woman singing on their CD's, especially singing a whole song by herself, I mean, hello, it's guys. I also find all this girl stuff in their concerts annoying, I mean, why can't they just sing normally without having to have all that goofy stuff goin' on?
Of course, I have nothing bad to say about Ryan, George, or Keith, seeing as they're my favorites.
Another thing I don't like about their concerts is the goofy choreography. Why they can't just stand there or just walk around on occasion is beyond me, but instead they have to be dramatic and, at times, goofy about it all. Oh, but on their first DVD, Damian sings "Young Love" (which I like:-D) and the other guys (save for George) do these kinds of goofy things that I find funny :) Well, Paul's a little odd, but that's one of the reasons we love him!
When they're performing "Caledonia" they have to do this really disturbing thing where they're singing the part "let me tell you that I love you and I think about you all the time". So, they're facing us and then they turn around and walk to the back of the stage and when they start singing that part they turn around to face us again and point at us....such a boy-band, disturbing thing to do! I especially feel sorry for George because he's like in his late 30's/early 40's (plus, he's so cool!) and a man of his age should not be forced to do that.
Anyways, yeah, they're nice peeps, I s'pose. I like 'em :)
Ok, well, there's that.
Seeing as I couldn't find a decent picture of the original 5 with Neil that I liked and then I couldn't find a picture of just Neil that I liked, this one will just have to do. L-R: Paul, Ryan, Keith, Damian, and George.
Tune in for my next post when I review 2 Hayley Westenra videos!
Side note:
God has blessed us with a gorgeous day today and lovely weather! It's breezy so it's a little chilly outside and the sky is just so beautiful! Anyone who has never seen Kentucky's AWESOME sky before MUST come and see it! Some days (like today), it's like you could just reach out and touch it! God is so Good!
If I had my camera I would take pictures and show you. Do you want to know WHY I don't have my camera??????!!!!! Well, I'll tell you:
So, we ordered it a few weeks ago and the peeps that sent it to the people that are going to send it to us sent the wrong color! They had to send it back and told us they would e-mail when THEY got the camera! Have we gotten an e-mail from them??? NNNOOOO!!!!!!!
Ya know what's cruel??? The other day I sent a message to Hayley Westenra on MySpace and the next day I got an e-mail from MySpace saying, "Someone sent you a message on MySpace" or something like that...so I go there, it was a message FROM MySpace! How cruel can ya get! The message hasn't even been read yet.
Anyways, ciao!
God bless and keep you!
Grace be with you!
Alive because of His Blood,
Katie Bekah