Hi-ho! So, I have like 4 or so ideas for a blog post so I don't know why I haven't written any of them. I thought I would share with you my most recent idea since it just recently happened.
On Saturday night when Mommy was in bed, her left hand started itching really bad. In the morning, she noticed her hand was swollen and red, and the left side of her tongue was swollen. She called her Dr. but they never called back so she called the pharmacy and they told her to go to the ER because a swollen tongue would eventually lead to a swollen throat. So, we got there and they took her back and got her all situated and stuff. A little while later, we called Tommy and he came also. It turns out it was an allergic reaction to some new medicine she had been taking but they were going to admit her overnight just to keep an eye on her.
A little while later, Tommy and Chris left to get Chris' Birthday gift (we had planned to have Tommy come over that night to celebrate their Birthdays and we were going to make dinner but, obviously, our plans changed) while Mommy and I waited for someone to take her to a room. After about 4 hours of waiting, Mommy decided she wasn't going to stay there overnight. I went to get a nurse so that Mommy could tell her (apparently those people there are like stupid or something because it didn't seem like they really knew what I was saying) and it figures a few minutes after I did that, the dude came in to transfer Mommy to a room. She told him she didn't want to stay overnight so he went and got the Dr. and she came and told Mommy she didn't have to stay! OH MY GOSH! So, we basically waited for four hours just to find out we could go ahead and leave. So, yeah, Mommy was fine, the swelling was down completely and she's all fine and stuff now :)
One cute thing about the boys was that while they were gone, they got Mommy and me Peppermint Mocha's from Starbucks:) They're so sweet (speaking of our boys, not the mocha's;))! Anyways, all was not for naught: when we found out Mommy could leave, we tried calling Tommy but his phone was turned off so we were going to wait in a parking lot but as I was pulling out (I had to drive), the boys were pulling in, thankfully they saw us and then got behind us real quick. We went to an empty parking lot and discussed what to do about supper. Tommy suggested we get Chinese and then go home and eat...so, we did:) Oh, and by the way, for Chris' Birthday; Tommy got him an Xbox360, an extra game paddle, AND the new FIFA11!! Chris and I have been havin' fun with FIFA:)
Those weren't all the events of the day though:
Later that night, Mommy and I had to go to the grocery store. Well, after we got home, we had just barely gotten out of the car when the neighbor's dog across the street bolted over here (the gate on their fence in their backyard was open) barking and growling at Mommy. She was closer to the front door so she was able to run up there real quick after Daddy came outside with a bat ready to swing at the dog, however, I had to kind of hide behind the car so she wouldn't see me (it was dark outside) and when Daddy got her far enough away, I ran to the front porch whilst he guarded me (though, if the dog would've come near me, I had a grocery bag with two 2 liters in it and if I had to whack the dog with it, I would have even though I was hoping I wouldn't have to). Well, she still wouldn't leave us alone so, when she ran back over to their yard, Daddy guarded the driveway while Mommy called the police. A few minutes later, an officer arrived and between he and Daddy, the officer was able to get to the neighbor's front door (before, the dog wouldn't even let Daddy get in their yard). The owner came outside with his daughter and she put the dog in the backyard and he closed and locked the gate. Anyways, the owner apologized and said he was taking the dog to the pound yesterday.
She had done this to us a few times before and finally she did it when the officer was actually HERE!
Yeah, long day:-D Praise God, everyone was ok!
So, looking forward to a wonderful Thanksgiving with my Mommy's family! My Daddy's Mom (Mawmaw) will be joining us as well and hopefully my cousin, Rachel can make it too!
Oh, please keep my new little twin cousins Charlie and Alyssa in your prayers. They were born on the 16th but are still in the hospital. Pray that they will be ok and will be able to come home soon, if the Lord is willing.
God bless and keep you all!
Grace be with you!
Alive because of His Blood,
Katie Bekah