Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy Birthday, Alyssa Barlow!

Yes, my friends, it is yet another 'Barlow Birthday'.  Miss Alyssa Barlow turned 28 today (I didn't know she was that old, lol!) so I need to write about her.  I realize I kind of left it to the last minute but I forgot about it until I e-mailed Guitargirl.
So, let's see, what can I say about Miss Lyssa:
She seems like a nice chick, she plays bass (not a 'bass fish', a 'bass (pronounced 'base') guitar'), piano, she sings, she might play other instrments about which I don't know, but I don't know.
She's the middle sister in the Christian girl band, Barlow Girl.
Umm, she's....golly, I really don't much about her or Becca.
Now we come to the picture part.  This was actually really difficult 'cause I couldn't find many pictures of just her even though I did a google search.  Anyway...
(none of these pictures were taken by me):



Of course, we need a bass guitar cake for the bass guitar playin' birthday girl!
Happy Birthday, Miss Lyssa!
Sheesh, I just looked back at my Birthday post for Becca and I didn't even give her a Birthday cake!  Poor Becca :(  Then again, I only found two pictures of Alyssa that I actually liked so I guess it's alright.

God bless!
Grace be with you all!
Alive because of His Blood,
Katie Bekah

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