Saturday, June 20, 2009


Hey y'all,
My cousin just e-mailed me the picture I told y'all about yesterday with the Firetruck ladders, here it is.

Isn't this so awesome?? This is a very good picture, but it was so much more beautiful and touching in person. If you click it it does get bigger so you can see it better. He was a true hero and as I said, was well deserving of everything that was done for him yesterday.

Grace be with you all!
Alive because of His Blood,
*Please note: If you have not read the post below yet, it is new, just written yesterday, you must read it if you haven't already*


Michaela said...

Bekah, I am so sorry to hear about your Pawpaw. This must be really hard for you and your family. I'll be in prayer for you all.
What a beautiful picture and tribute to your Pawpaw. It brought tears to my eyes.
Love in Christ, Michaela

Katie said...

Aw, thank you Michaela. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
I'm sorry I made you cry though.
Love in Christ,