Saturday, June 27, 2009

Song Answers

Hey y'all!
I thought I would write ummm something and then FINALLY answer those little song question things, lol. I was hoping more people would comment but oh well, Guitargirl commented so that's good enough for me:)
On Father's Day we went to Mawmaw's and spent the day there just hangin' out and chattin'. My cousin was there with little Will and I didn't get to hold him at all but that was alright because Mawmaw held him most of the time and to see her smiling and laughing with him in her arms, was what made me happiest.
God is so good. He blessed us with little Will just when we need him to bring us joy and laughter through this hard time, especially for Mawmaw.
Unfortunately, we will have another funeral to go to on Monday or Tuesday because my Great Uncle Charlie passed away yesterday (he was my Daddy's Uncle). I didn't know him well at all and don't even know that I ever spoke a word to him, but of course it is still sad. I don't know if Daddy knew him well or not either. Poor Mawmaw, she's going to be so drained after having to go to another funeral. (I'm sure Guitargirl is sitting there reading this and thinking, "Whoa dude, this seems so dang familiar man, I wonder why" :p, hehe, actually I don't think she talks like that but I do, oddly enough, in other words, I just wrote that to her in an e-mail;)).
Last Thursday, Mommy made her and me a skirt to wear for Pawpaw's funeral because neither of us own any dark clothes and they're navy blue and I LOVE mine!!! They're actually both made the same way but that's fine because I've always liked it when Mommy and I wear the same thing:)
It is soooo hot here and I can't wait till Autumn! Actually, most of the time when it isn't Autumn I can't wait for it because it's my favorite season:)
Umm ok, so far, this post doesn't seem interesting, so I'll just go ahead and answer the little song thing.
Okie doke:
1. "Glass In The Trees" by Dead Poetic

2. "Washed By The Water" by NEEDTOBREATHE (Guitargirl got this one:))

3. "Monster" by The Automatic

4. "I Want To Know What Love Is" by Foreigner

5. "Fever" by FF5 (Guitargirl got this one:))

6. "Outrae" by Capital Lights

7. "Europa" by Globus

8. "The Mountains Of Mourne" by Celtic Thunder

9. "Whispers In The Dark" by Skillet-tee-doo (and Guitargirl got this one:))

10. "Yellow" by Coldplay

11. "We Might Fall Apart" by Disco Ensemble

12. "A Mile Away" by Capital Lights

13. "Let The Little Lady Talk" by Capital Lights

14. "Shine On" by NEEDTOBREATHE

15. "Autobahn" by Anberlin

16. "Caledonia" by Dougie MacLean

17. "Landslide" by Seven Places

18. "Stand Up" by Everyday Sunday

19. "Come On You Reds" by Status Quo

20. "You're The Inspiration" by Chicago

There ya go! I need to stop saying that, I find it terribly annoying, lol.
Now comes the time when I add a picture or video just 'cause....well ok, 'cause Guitargirl does it and I want to be like her 'cause she's cool:) Let's see, let me go look....I'll be right back....

My new favorite Footballer: Nani! Well, actually his real name is Luis Carlos Almeida da Cunha , but Nani is a nickname (he's Portuguese:)). He plays for Manchester United acourse:) (Please note: this picture was NOT taken by me, I found it online).

Grace be with you all!
Alive because of His Blood,


Brittany November said...

I can't believe I didn't get Shine On! You give me to much credit! I'm not cool...I'm lame XD

And I knew the last one, but I wasn't sure who sang it ;)

Katie said...

I was kind of surprised you didn't get it too:p're one'a da cooliest persons I know:)