Favourite Books? Look at my profile.
Do you compose music/write songs? Yes.
Do you like Poetry? Love it!
Loved someone so much who made you cry? Yes.
Broken a bone? Yes.
Been in a police car? Nope.
Been on a boat? Nope.
Fallen asleep at school? Nope.
Did you sing today? Nope.
KFC, Popeyes or Church's? KFC. I don't think I've ever been to Pop-Eyes.
Chick-a-flick or What-a-Burger? Ummmm, Chick-Fil-A :p
Starbucks or McCafe? STARBUCKS!!!!!!!!!!
What's your favourite time of year? Autumn! I also like Christmas time though:)
Do you ever talk to yourself? Lol, yeah!
Do you have a favourite treat you like to buy on occasions? Not really. Mommy and I just like our Starbucks:)
Do you believe the Bible is the literal word of God and is infallible? Without a doubt.
What's your favourite sport? REAL Football.
What colour is your Ipod? Pink (of course!)!
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Can't pick just one place.
If you could go to any fictional place, where would you go? I can't think of any fictional places.
Do you love to write or do you just like writing? Or do you write at all? I LOVE writing!
What do you want to be when you a grown-up? "What do you want to be when you A grown-up?"???? Oi! I want to be a stay at home wife and mommy!
Favourite animal? Lion.
Favourite Song? Can't pick just one....no, wait, maybe "We All Need" by Esterlyn...no wait, NEEDTOBREATHE songs are great too....then again so are other Esterlyn songs!! Oh no! Oh well, I can't choose just one obviously;)
Do you like school? I'm not in school....so yeah, it's pretty nice, LOL!
Are you a people person? Because I'm getting the idea that you are! Hmm, maybe. I don't really know, let me ask my Mommy........she says, "Oh definitely!". K, there's your answer!
Do you like to talk? Not in a 'know-it-all' 'never-shut-up' kind of way, but yeah, I like to talk.
Favourite food? Anything homemade!
Hobbies? Pop on over to my profile!
Favourite Author? Idk.
Favourite weapon? Flamethrower, LOL!
Is this a fun tag or are you getting bored? Fun:)
Do you like Hannah Montana and all those girly people and movies like high school musical? NOT A CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!!
What are you scared of? Temptation, being alone in the dark.
Favourite flower? Don't have a favorite.
Colour of your eyes? Blue:)
I tag Mommy and the ladies at My Simple Blessed Life.
Now onto the Birthday part:)
Yesterday was one of my bff's 17th Birthday! Happy Birthday, Katie!!!!!!!!!! Let's see, what can I find for her:
I can't believe I'm putting a picture of these people on here, but one of her favorite bands is the Jonas Brothers, so here's a *gulp*...a....*gulp*...picture.....of....'em:
Okie doke, her favorite color is pink and she and I have this little 'heart' thing going at the end of our messages to each other, so I thought this would be perfect:
Here's a pretty pink cake for you, hun! Happy belated Birthday, Katie!!! Love you!
Now for the other Birthday person :)
Mr. Luis Carlos Almeida da Cunha....or, Nani:)
Woohoo, Nani is 23 today!! Happy Birthday, Nani! Yeah, so I don't know him and in no way think he will visit my blog, but I wanted to wish him a Happy Birthday anyway. Nani plays for Manchester United....for now:'( (There's talk of him leaving soon, that makes me sad). He plays on the wing. He's Portuguese. Yeah, so I don't know much at all about the fella, but he's one of my VERY favorite Football players. He was believed to be the next Cristiano Ronaldo (for those of you that don't what or who I'm talking about...well, I don't know....just read on), but alas, he didn't have a very good season last year, and isn't really having a good one this season:( I just know he'll do better! But, ya know, who am I? No one's gonna listen to me when I say he should stay at United. I want him to stay, but it's not lookin' likely:( K, so yeah, I really like him and know he'll do better...no matter where he plays. Here are some pictures of him:)
I don't remember who that Arsenal player is behind him.
Here he is doing is celebration. Yeah, umm, don't pay attention to what the bottom of the video says. I mean don't click on it. I doubt it's trashy, but just don't click anyway, just incase. This is just to see him:)

A Manchester United Birthday cake! Happy Birthday, Nani!!!!!!!
Goodnight folks....or good morning...or good whatever...depending upon where you live!
Buh-bye....fare-thee-well...Au-Revior....Adeus...and all those other 'goodbyes' in different languages!!!!!!
Alive because of His Blood,
Katie Bekah
*shriek!* Jonas Brothers! o.O
*ahem* Well, um...that's all! :) Bai!!!
Now, is that *shriek* because you're sooooo excited to see the JB????? I know how much you love 'em >:)
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