Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We Have Snow Again :)

Howdy peeps!
Hope you all are doing swell :)  I know I am!
Is there anything new with me?  No, not really.  I've been 20 for 10 days now :-D
In a previous post of some sort, I said something about not wanting chocolate ever again and then told you I would tell you why.
The day after Christmas, Mommy and I went out for awhile and I felt terrible, felt like I was going to be sick at any moment.  Earlier in the day I had eaten some chocolate cookies that were so good (at the time, now thinking about them, they're disgusting) and I don't know if I ate too many or what happened exactly.  Anyways, that night while Mommy and I were out doing whatever it was we were doing, yes my friends, I got the sick in the car!  It was, obviously, extremely disgusting, poor Mommy too.  I don't really want to go into detail but let's just say it was ummm, definitely the 'last thing' I ate....plus, Mommy and I had gotten Peppermint Mocha Lattes from Starbies and now I don't want those again either. 
I'm actually kind of thankful for it to be honest.  Ever since then, I've only craved healthy food.  God works in mysterious ways sometimes :)
In other news, I once again have a Facebook, so that's exciting stuff :)
Oh my friends, there were a few things that I wanted to write in my blob post but I cannot remember what they were, so I will get offa here now seeing as Chris and I have a Football game comin' on in about 1 minute, Fulham v Tottenham. 
I would do my usual and look for a picture or somethin' but ya know.....ya know?
So, k bye!

God bless!
Grace be with you all!
Alive because of His Blood,
Katie Bekah


Brittany November said...

Wow...um...blogging about throwing up...uh....o.O

Katie said...

I was just telling the folks why I don't eat chocolate anymore :p How else would you expect me to describe it?? :)