Saturday, January 17, 2009

We All Need

Yesterday was my Birthday and I would like to say what I did, but it won't be too long;)
I literally didn't do anything, lol. You see, don't get any wrong ideas here, I am not a video game kind of girl, but we do have two games that are specifically for me, so I played some of one yesterday (not that no one else can play it, but no one else wants to). I have also been playing it today too and beat it, lol. Of course, I didn't start it and finish it in two days though.
See, here's my thing, I would go upstairs and do something, but I like be down here with Mommy and Chris (when he's down here). Haha, I even miss them when they're just in the other room, just tells you how much we love each other:) Of course, I miss Daddy too.
The Lord has just blessed me with the most wonderful family a girl could ask for. Sometimes I do wish that I had lil siblings or an older sister, but then I think of my peeps and can't picture anything being different because I love them all so much.
I am just so thankful for all of them and I totally love my life, even though we do not have a Church to go to right now.
I have never met my buddies face to face, but that is our hope and prayer that one day we might meet!
Oh, also, yesterday....we watched the best movie ever ready??? "The Muppet's Christmas Carol"!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!
However, in the midst of watching it, one of my best buddies called me (as she said on her blog;)), Guitargirl:-D We had a nice lil conversation, lotsa laughs:p
Sometime after that, another one of my best buddies called me, Meghan over at My Simple Blessed Life, and we had a nice lil conversation as well....and some more laughs:-D I also texted with another one of my best buddies last night:)
Just to let you all know, all of my *buddies* are girls. So you never have to wonder "Hey, I wonder if she means she's talkin' to one of her dude friends??" Like I'm sure everyone who reads this wonders that, right;) I actually don't have any dude friends, but hey, that's alright. Until I meet my future husband, I don't need any:) I have my Daddy and brothers, they're the only men I need right now:)
Also, when I said that I've been playing my game today too, that's because my Birthday seeped into today as well. I do not know how long it will last, but we'll see lol. It's usually until your Birfday cake is gone, and I haven't even had mine yet, haha!
So, right now I'm (obviously) on the computer and I'm listening to my playlist ("Same Old Lang Syne" by Dan Fogelberg just came on, if you're interested;)) and drinking chocolate milk, yyyyuuuuummmmmyyyyyy!!!!!!!
I do believe I have run out of things to say, so I shall leave you with a playlist thingy that Guitargirl did but didn't tag anyone because she was too distraugt:( This one's for you Guitargirl, love you!!!

1. If your goldfish wanted to be sung to sleep every night, what song would you sing to it? "Do Ya" by Dover

2. What do you think of your friends? "From Extremely Far Away" by VA THAT is the dang truth, LOL.....unfortunately:(

3. What song do you play to calm yourself down? "The Island" by Celtic Thunder

4. What does your family think of you? "The Clincher" by Chevelle....HUH???

5. What is your code name? "Christmas In Dixie" by that is very strange:-0

6. You buy a new T-Shirt. What does it say on the front? Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban "Double Trouble" by John Williams...umm, that's really odd.

7. When strangers pass you by on the street, what do they think? "Dance Or Die" by Family Force 5....ok....

8. What will you name your latest work of art? "He's Alive" by Dolly Parton

9. What will they play at your funeral? "The Kill" by 30 Seconds To poor people, that's very strange.

10. What will you rock out to on your 60th birthday? "Image Of The Invisible" by Thrice....whoa, I'm also going to dance to this at my Wedding, lol. Now, I would like to see 60 year old people rockin' out to this song, haha!

11. What do you think of cats? Aw golly, I'm so swell...."If You Leave Me Now" by Chicago....I didn't know I loved cats that much, LOL, that's a lil disturbing!

12. What will you post this as? "We All Need" by Esterlyn :-D Yea, Guitargirl....Esterlyn!!!! LOL!

Alive because of His Blood,


Brittany November said...

Yeah! Esterlyn! Oh, wait they're your band... Yeah! Chocolate milk!!! :-D
Thank you for doing my tag.*Wipes eyes and takes shakey breath* I think I'll be okay ;)

Brittany November said...

Wait...I just noticed something. DO YOU MEAN IF I HAPPENED TO HAVE BEEN BORN A BOY YOU WOULDN'T BE MY FRIEND?!! LOL! *Sinks back into spiraling depression* ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so glad you're having a good birthday-couple-of-days. :) Chocolate milk!? I'm so jealous! :) Though after the rich and yummy foods I ate this past evening, I don't think I want any right now. :-P

I liked the part 'until I meet my future husband...' That's exactly how I feel!!! :) Love ya like a sis!

Katie said...

Aw, don't "dry" my dear, it'll be alright:p
Haha, I don't really know how to answer that question because if you had been born a boy then we never would've met...hmm, let's just say I'm glad you're a girl and thankful you're one of my bestest friends ever!!! :D

Lol, I LOVE chocolate milk:) Ahhh, chocolate.....
Aw, that's sweet that you feel that way too:)
By the way, you, too, are one of my bestest friends ever:)

Love you girls!!

Mark Regan said...

Happy birthday, Bekah.

I'll be your American "dude friend" if you want. Only problem is I'm old enough to be your grandfather, so be prepared to push my wheelchair around if you decide to move here and marry me.

Seriously, I don't have a wheel chair, yet, but by the time you decide to marry ME, I will.

Because that may be the next time the dinosaurs walk the earth. I'll be REALLY OLD then.

Katie said...

Thank you, Bounty Hunter:)
Aw, lol, that's sweet. Sure, we're friends:)
Nah, you're not too old, I'm sure:)
Ummm, I don't know about the whole getting married thing, though, lol.

Mark Regan said...

Well, since you're not from the UK that kind of takes the cosmopolitan glow off it anyway. Besides, you wouldn't be interested in an American since you already live here. Where DO you live, if I might ask.

I live in Arkansas and the woman I actually really do want to marry lives in California.

Katie said...

Aw, that's cool. Sorry, I just assumed you looked at my profile, I live in KY.
I still love America though, just to let you know;)

Mark Regan said...

Ooohhh! I love Kentucky. It's one of my FAVORITE states, especially eastern KY between Lexington and the VA/WVA borders.

But BRRRR. You got too much ice and cold last week to suit me. Hope your survived OK without losing electricity or heat.

Mark Regan said...

And the seminary I attended was about 50 miles from Louisville (Beautiful city) just over the Ohio River in Indiana.

Katie said...

Yep, I love KY, too!! Of course, I've only been to like 5 or so other states, but KY is still my favorite. The sky always seems so big here like you could just reach out and touch it.
Nope, we didn't lose any heat or electricity at all. The Lord certainly blessed us!!
It is rather cold, but I like it. I prefer cold over 90 or so degree weather, lol.
Hey, that's cool that you attended that Seminary!

Mark Regan said...

My dear Bekka:

You are truly a special messenger from God spreading love, optimism, joy, and peace in his world. I appreciate you so much.

Here is another group of his angelic friends for your encouragement and enjoyment:

Katie said...

Wow, thank you so much for those kind words, Mr. Bounty Hunter!! That is so sweet!
Aw, thank you for the link, that was simply awesome, thank you for sharing it with me.
You are such a kind person and I do really appreciate your comments and kind words.
May God bless you!

Mark Regan said...

You are the one who is so sweet, my friend. You are a genuine instrument of God bringing his message of joy and and peace to his world.

I am one of his ancient friends, old enough to be your father, I am sure, but recognize and appreciate you, and reach out my right hand to touch your left cheek lightly with my fingertips, and whisper to you softly, "Thank you."

Katie said...

Oh my gosh, thank you so much Mr. Bounty Hunter. That is so sweet. I am truly touched by what you've said to me. You almost make me want to cry tears of joy because of how sweet you are.
God bless you always, my friend and brother in Christ.

Mark Regan said...

My dear Bekah:

I hope you will give me the honor and privilege of being considered one of your "dude" friends.

I will sit besides your fireplace like a dog, curled up basking in the warmth until you need me to snuggle, or cuddle, or sit on your lap, or fetch your slippers.

And when you need somebody to vent your wrath at, I will be there, loyal and faithful as ever after you finish, still wagging my tail, thanking you so much for all the attention you paid to me.

I will eat anything you put in my bowl, and will lick the faces of any of your friends, and won't complain when you leave me alone all day.

Because you are my friend and I am yours, so what more could a friend ask for?

Now, you can go forth and be a true friend to your other friends and spread the "tips" I have taught you, along with those you learned in our other Friend's good news book, like love God and love your neighbor. Pretty soon, you will find out it's not so bad being a dog and being able to spread so much love around to all those humans who never learned about what true unconditional love is.

All they have to do is look at me curled up by your fireplace.

Shalom, my friend. And thank YOU for your kind words. This dog appreciates you.

Mark Regan said...

And lest I forget, Happy Birthday. Have a bunch more of them, and you'll be an old dog like me.

Katie said...

Mr. Bounty Hunter:
I would be honored to have you as a "dude" friend.
Thank you for all that you said in your comment, it was very sweet.

Thank you again for the happy birthday wish!

God bless!