Monday, October 5, 2009

Hot Chocolate

For those of you that don't know me, I LOVE chocolate, just love it! I make a very good (if I do say so myself) hot cocoa! Well, actually what I do is either use Nesquick in hot milk or homemade hot cocoa mix in hot water and then my part is.....the toppings! Observe:

This is Mommy's cup, running over, that's the best way to have it! It has a layer of marshmallows, homemade whipped cream, mini chocolate chips, freshly ground cinnamon, freshly ground nutmeg!

This is just a close up.

Here's mine, it's the same thing but not as running over-ish, lol!

Here's a close-ish up pic of it.

Now, to a hot chocolate that I didn't come up with, but now love! Chris and I were watching the Travel Channel the other day and Samantha Brown was in Madrid, Spain and this is one of the delicious things she got! I unintentionally found the recipe online. Of course, mine doesn't look near as good as the one she got and it most likely isn't as good, but it was still tasty nonetheless. Let me go look for a picture of the real thing online! Here we go:

Doesn't that look delicious????? I don't know whose hand that is by the way;)

Here's mine:
I know it looks kind of pitiful compared to the real thing, but it was good:)

Anyway, that's my Madrid-y hot chocolate and churros! Of course, Chris and I want to go there someday so we'll still have to get it;)
Oh, another thing about my first hot chocolate, I also like to put ice cream in it sometimes, like mint chocolate chip.
I'll give the recipe I used for this one soon, I need to go to bed now:)

Grace be with you all!
Alive because of His Blood,


Brittany November said...

Ice cream in hot chocolate? I think you're defeating your own purpose ;)

Anyways, those are good looking...curly fries? XD Okay, I know that's not what they really are, but they kind of look like them. Interesting...

Katie said...

Just a little bit of ice cream, the hot chocolate is still hot after putting in the ice cream. The mint chocolate chip is really good in it!
I know they look weird but they were dang good!

Michaela said...

You do the ice cream thing too??!! AWESOME! =D My sister and I are the only ones that I know of who do that!
Haha- I loved the pic of your mom's cup too! That's basically what my sister's Morgan's cup looks like...completely overflowing with ice cream and marshmellows!
Have a great week and thanks for the smile!
love in Christ, Michaela

Katie said...

Haha, that's so great! It is sooooo good!! The best kind of hot chocolate (other than the hot chocolate with churros;)) is the kind with LOTSA stuff in it!!!
You have a great week, too, and thanks for the comment!!!!
In Christ,
Katie Bekah