Well, now ya know!
Friday we did lotsa grocery shopping but were too tired to put the meat in the freezer so we put it in the fridge until last night. While going through the stuff in the fridge I remembered that we only had one egg left in one of our cartons, so I took it out and put it in the freezer, haha!
A lil while ago I took it out and it had already cracked a teeny tiny bit and was too hard to just crack it or take the shell off so I cut it in half and this is what it looks like! I wish you could see it close up 'cause it looks better but this is a nice pic too. I know it's a rather large pic but just wanted to make sure you could see the inside well enough!
Ok, good news....Man U beat Derby 4-1:p Haha, we're advancing to the next round and they're NOT!! LOL>:)
Well, laters (as my good friend Guitargirl likes to say;))!
Alive because of His Blood,
Yay! You gotta profile pic! :-D I must say; it's a really cute one too :) And you have AO listed as one of your favotites!!! :-D You have incredibly good taste Miss Bekah ;)
Aw, thank you, I'm glad you like it:)
Hehe, don't I though? And it's all thanks to you Guitargirl! Of course, it also kinda helped that they have good music, LOL!! But still, I thank you for giving me an autographed CD!!! You da best!
Love ya!
Why, you think I da best?! Why thank you! :-D I am, huh? Hehe. Jk.
Lol,why I think you da best? Just 'cause, that's why...just 'cause...YOU ARE!!! You're welcome!!! :o)
Love you!!!
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