She is such an awesome friend and I am so thankful the Lord brought us two together. We are so alike and goofy together and it's just awesome being her friend.
There are totally a million and more reasons to like her! She's more like a sister to me and I love her so much!!
Even though we live miles apart and have only known each other for just a couple of years and we've never met face-to-face, I feel like I've known her forever. She was actually the one to tell me she wanted to e-mail back and forth and I was like "that's so totally awesome!!". I don't know why she would want ME to be her friend but I am so thankful for her!
Please note: none of these pictures are taken by me.

Grace be with you!
Alive because of His Blood,
AHHHH! LOL! I was just about to get off when I saw you posted so I came over. LOL! You are so awesome ;)
Aw, PONIES!!! ;)
OI BOYS!!! :-D It's even got Helmet!
AO!!!!! ;) one of my favorite pix of them!
SCULLY AND MULDER!!!!! The truth is out there....
I love you too girly ;) (And not just for posting X-Files pictures on your blog in honor of me ;))
I didn't know it was possible to fit so much awesomeness in one blog post...Hehe. Thank you so much!
Yea! I'm so glad you like everything!! You're awesome too!
I didn't know that was one of your favorite pics of them!!! I just saw it and thought it would be the perfect one woohoo!!
Love ya!
Hehe. And personally, I don't see how anyone would not want to be your friend ;)
Aw, thank you hun:)
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