They were somewhere in Antarctica, I believe, where no man has ever walked and at a time of the year where no animals were around. It was breathtakingly beautiful and looked so peaceful. The first thing that came to my mind is how quiet it would be if someone was to go there during that time of the year.
Just think: with all of that quietness how perfect it would be to go to a place like that (fully prepared, of course) and spend time with God. No distractions, just you and God.
There is so much noise where we live that it's very rare to have some moments of peacefulness, so to be in a place like that for even just a few days, I think, would be wonderful.
It almost seems like in this would we live, we have to have some sort of noise for one reason or another but sometimes pure quiet and peacefulness would be lovely.
Oh! To have a Quiet Time with God with no cars driving by or anything like that, would be glorious.
I do enjoy listening to music and stuff like that but there are times when I like it quiet, but that's just me.
My idea of pure peacefulness:
Now, onto the second post within a post (one which has nothing to do with quietness;)).
Last week, Philmont came out with a new CD called "Attention" which I purchased and LOVE. I give it a 9/10. Umm, Tuesday, NEEDTOBREATHE came out with a new CD called "The Outsiders" which we got on iTunes and I LOVE it too! I give that a 10/10. Barlow Girl's CD "Love & War" comes out on the 8th but a few weeks ago Mommy pre-ordered it for me and my package came today:) It comes with a T-shirt, a necklace (which I do not have yet because it is on backorder), a key chain, a poster, an immediate download of their new single "Beautiful Ending", and their new CD, autographed. I've listened to the CD twice already and love it. I give it a 10/10. It's a bit 'rockier' than their other ones, I think, but I still like it a lot. Plus, Lauren sings more on it which makes it even better. So, if y'all are lookin' for new tunes, I highly recommend these CD's. Of course, you still can't go wrong with Esterlyn which I also give 10/10. Give 'em all a listen to and be sure to recommend them to friends and family. Esterlyn especially, because they are an indie band and they need a LOT of support and they're totally awesome! Check 'em out here: .
Alive because of His Blood,
That place looks cold. I could never get to focusing on God in a place that freaking cold. I would be to busy...being cold...and miserable ;)
Yay! Breathers! :-D I can't wait to get my ntb cd :)
Yeah, but I said, if you're well prepared;)
I just heard a NeedtoBreath song called "Washed by the Waters" and LOVED it! I might buy a cd to see how I like the rest of their songs. :) Thanks for the 411 concerning their NEW cd! :D
Blessings, Michaela
That's one of my FAVORITE songs by them!!! It would be great if you got their CD! They're (obviously) one of my favorite bands!! Lol, you're welcome for the 411;)
Grace be with you,
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