This world is not worth living for!
Its honors, its riches, its glories are things ever passing away; but the love of Jesus is as eternal as Himself.
Oh, live for eternity! The glory of this world is fading, and is soon gone, and gone forever!
Again I say, live for a glorious eternity!
If you could have the glory, the wealth, and the honors of this world laid at your feet--how short would be the empty enjoyment of them.
-Mary Winslow
Howdy there, y'all! Yeah, so I don't know why I just said that, just felt like it, I suppose;) Here is part 2 of the tour (by the way, I don't know how many parts there are going to be, so bear wif me here!):Here we have from left to right: Meghan the kitty (yes after my Meghan:)), Alyssa the squid (after Alyssa Barlow of Barlow Girrrrlllll), of course we have to have Winnie the Pooh!!!, Rio the bear (Rio Ferdinand plays for Manchester United so this bear is affectionately named: 'Rio Beardinand', haha!), Nani bear (after Nani who plays for Manchester United as well), Cesc the pink lion (Cesc plays for Arsenal), Junior Asparagus is stuck back there too, I don't know if you can see very well, but there's a little pink bunny holding a blue egg sittin' there, her name is Monica after my very good friend and 'sis', then we have Danielle the white bear who Monica gave me a few years ago for Christmas (I gave her that name 'cause that's what she looks like, I don't know a Danielle), Brittany the pink bear;), and last but not least, Wayne Rooney the little brown bear (Wayne plays for Manchester United as well). By the way, I do have a Lauren Barlow (or Lauren Bearlow;)) bear, she's just not on the bed, she's on a shelf along with her sister Becca the bunny and actually Alyssa the bunny, I don't know why Lauren's the only bear, haha. Alyssa the squid is just because I named her that a long time ago and it stuck.
Yeah, that's my foot;)
This wall hanging was made by Guitargirl:)
Here we have some of my dolls.
My books on my 'book shelf' (otherwise known as the back of my closet:p).
A Capri Sun purse Guitargirl made me:)
My Manchester United scarf which hangs in my closet:)
My pink iPodnano, I was listening to "Setting Off" by Philmont. I know, the screen is fingerprinty but oh well.
Meghan made this for me:)
My CD's before they were laid out, obviuosly;)
Article One CD that Guitargirl got autographed for me when she saw them in concert a couple times ago;)
Some DVD's (wahoo, "The Muppet Christmas Carol"!!!).
The little family of rubber ducks on top of the little television: left to right: I don't know her name actually, lol, any ideas? Then we have Cristiano Ronaldo ducks Santos Aveiro (his name is Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro, so ya know, it works;)), then we have Chris, and then there's Wayne Rooney. (Am I a little strange or what? Guitargirl, you don't have to answer that, haha!)
A quilt that Guitargirl made for me....and look, there's little Brittany bear! I actually hadn't planned that, but it's cute:)
Ok, from left to right: Monica, the little one is Mariah (Mommy named her that, I didn't know what to name her;)), then Elsie, Culley, and Violet, who is holding little Rose.
Little Football earrings and bracelet that Daddy got for me when he was in Texas. I had to convert the little earrings into clip-ons 'cause I can't wear pierced, my left ear gets infected.
Some of my earrings I made.....
...and more... ...and more. My autographed Barlow Girl CD booklet thing-y:) (Wahoo! Lauren's autograph!!!! HAHA!).
Anyone ever hear of the game nine-pins? Yes, this is a pic of the nine-pins layin' down with the two balls on top and on top of that, Muppet Christmas Carol DVD and then a piece of paper and a pen. Ain't it purdy?? True art, that's what that is, haha!
Ok, I think that's like more than enough for one post, haha! Now a video: Ya gotta pay real close attention to what they say! Esterlyn in their van:) It's one of the funniest things I've ever seen!
LOL! Sorry, I didn't mean to steal your wallpapers!! It is pretty nifty tho, aint it? :D Hey, guitargirl made me that same wall hanging with the Penguins on it!! kewl!!
1 comment:
LOL! Sorry, I didn't mean to steal your wallpapers!! It is pretty nifty tho, aint it? :D
Hey, guitargirl made me that same wall hanging with the Penguins on it!! kewl!!
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