Sunday, December 20, 2009

Picture Post

I have a lot of pictures that I want to put on here, 17, if I'm not mistaken, lol, so bear with me ;)

A book I was reading just because it's Christmas-y.  It's romance stories and I don't like romance so I stopped reading it.  There were 4 stories in it, and I only read two.  The third one, I knew who she was going to marry in the very first paragraph, so that was it.

What I'm reading now: "To Have and To Hold" by Mary Johnston.

A list of books I want to get out of the library after the New Year.  Books on those certain subjects.

What I was listening to, whilst reading and taking the pictures.

Chris moved my room around for me, so this is what it now looks like.  No, my bed does not have bedding on it. 

My little table with books and journals and other stuff...and a coffee from McDonald's :)

At Mawmaw's putting up her tree, with my Peppermint Mocha Latte from Starbucks!

An ornament my Daddy made when he was little!  No one really knows what it is, I don't even think he does, lol ;)

Mawmaw's tree.

The angel on top.  It was on my Daddy's tree when he was little :)

Another ornament my Daddy made when he was little.  Once again, no one knows what it is, but we like it :)

An ornament my Pawpaw made when he was little!

A photograph of my Mawmaw and Pawpaw on their Wedding day.  Sorry the picture isn't very good.

A book I got out from the library.

What I was listening to while looking through and reading the book. 
I was also listening to it while making these:

Aren't they cute??  I think the little red ones look like Rudolphs :)  I made them yesterday for Christmas.  The Barlow Girls made them and Alyssa had a picture of them on her Twitter, mine aren't made like theirs were but I couldn't find round pretzels and anyway I think mine look cuter :)

Our lovely, uhhh, Christmas decoration that Chris did.  Candy canes on a chandelier, hmm ;)  I do like it :)

God has blessed us with some snow these past couple of days and there might be like an inch or so on the ground, I can't tell if it's still snowin, though.  I haven't taken any pictures of it, maybe I will sometime today, I don't know.  It takes so long ya know, so strenuous to take a picture, lol ;)
In the mean time, I'm watching an Inter Milan game now and we're up 1-nil in the 32nd minute :)  The goal came in the 15th minute :)

Hope you all are having a blessed Sabbath!
Grace be with you all!
Alive because of His Blood,
Katie Bekah

1 comment:

Brittany November said...

Oh-ah. Nice purse. And pretzel thingies...