Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Prayers Please

I'm asking for prayers for my second cousin (my Daddy's cousin), Mary Ann, she found out that she has breast cancer.
This year has brought a bundle of joy (being my cousin, Jennifer's baby boy, Will) and sorrow and pain to Daddy's family.
A few months ago, Mary Ann slipped in her kitchen and fell and shattered her knee.  She hasn't been able to go anywhere or do much of anything by herself and now she has this, poor thing!  She lives in Texas, I wish we could go there and take care of her, but we cannot.  Of one thing she can be sure, she is covered with prayer.
Sometimes, life does not seem fair, but God is in control of all things.  I know it's hard sometimes, but we must trust Him and look to the One, Lord Jesus Christ, Who took away the sin and shame of God's elect by dying on the cross and then rising again on the third day.
Without Christ, we are dead in our sins and tresspasses against God, but Christ died and rose again that God would have mercy on His elect and love them and save them from Hell, that they might live eternally with God.
God cannot love what is unrighteous, so He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to love us and die for us that we could live in Him.
Those of us who love God only love Him because He first loved us.
Without Christ, we are unrighteous and therefore God could not love us, but because Christ died for God's elect and rose again, defeating death, God can love His elect....and He does.
Not by our own works can we be saved, but by the shed blood of the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. 
This Christmas season (and all throughout the year) remember Jesus Christ and why He came.  If you are one of God's children, ponder and meditate upon His Love.  We are unworthy of God's Love, yet He gave it to His elect, through His Son, Jesus Christ.  What an Awesome (in the true sense of the word) God we serve!

Just a picture I took awhile ago when we had a storm rolling in.

Now, I must go and finish my coffee, for I have lots of goodies to make today.  If I remember and have time, I might write another blob post later with pictures of all of the things we've made.

May God bless and keep you!
Grace be with you!
Alive because of His Blood,
Katie Bekah

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