Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Latest Creations

I wanted to write a post but didn't really know what to write so after looking through a few pictures on our 'puter I was inspired!
I have some leftover yarn from things I've crocheted so decided to crochet a scarf and see if we could sell it on ebay or an online store Mommy is creating.  However, I changed my mind and decided to give it as a gift to my friend and 'sis', Monica for Christmas.

Here it is in the works, but almost done.

Wouldn't ya know it?  Brittany bear offered to model it for me:)  What do ya think?  It really is quite warm, she told me....no, not really, had you goin' though, didn't I??  It's kinda long (like the style is these days) so you can fold it over and pull it through.  It is warm though.

As a couple people who read my blog know, my Memaw has been giving me painting lessons.  She told me to choose the picture I wanted to paint and this is it:

Memaw said that it wouldn't be her choice for a first painting, lol, but if that's what I wanted then we'd do it.  So, a couple of weeks ago we finished it:

There's mine.

There's my signature up-close.

Well, what do YOU think of my new creations?  (No rude or mean comments, please).

Good night.

Grace be with you all!
God bless and keep you!

Alive because of His Blood,
Katie Bekah


Brittany November said...

WHAT?! No mean comments?! *huff* you know how to take the fun out of everything...


I think they're very nice :) I already saw your painting, but Im likin' the scarf. :-D Looks very fluffy.

Katie said...

Ha, so you found out that was pointed toward you, huh? LOL, jk!