Friday, February 12, 2010

Ghostly Oil!

S'goin on folkies?  Ya know what's awesome?  God blessed us with MORE deer in our backyard yesterday!  I took some pictures:





That guy there was havin' a good ole time eatin' offa that branch, lol!
Chris and I actually saw 6 but I couldn't get all of them in the same picture.  Anyways, it was so dang awesome!

Oh, I wanted to show a picture of my candle that my friend, Monica, gave me for Christmas all lit up, 'cause it's so dang purdy! :

I took some pictures at night too, but they don't look very good so this is one I took in the daytime :)  Isn't it pretty????
I also made some Butterscotch Cookies and a Pecan Pie yesterday which are sooo dang good, lol!  Here's some pictures:

Some of the cookies BEFORE the frosting.

Now, AFTER the frosting :)
My Pecan Pie:

Oh yyyyeeeeaaaahhhh!!!!!!
I was putting oil in a frying pan last night for chicken and had to take picture of it because it looked like a ghostly face, so I did, yes I'm weird....but we've known that all along ;)

 It looked better before but I didn't have my camera ready.
A few weeks ago I got a package in the mail from my second cousin, Della (Mommy's cousin), it was a Birfday gift from her!  I thought it was soooo sweet and I just LOVE it! :

She know-eth me so well!  I can NEVER have too many journals!
So ya know, Mommy and I went out for awhile today and had a swell time.  We went to Starbucks and we had to find my Celtic Thunder CD (which we found...I will post about that on a later date) and we also got some new tops which are sooo cute!  

Anyways, I'll let you go now, so bye!

God bless!
Grace be with you!
Alive because of His Blood,
Katie Bekah

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