Monday, February 15, 2010

My Hope Chest

Howdy peeps!  My friend, Meghan, has asked me to take pictures of the stuff in my Hope Chest, so I finally got around to doing it :) 
I think it's very important for a young lady to have a Hope Chest, no matter her age.  That way she can have things to decorate her house and have things for her kitchen and other things for her little ones someday.  She can make her house feel like a home to her hubby and all who enter it.  It's so much more special, I think, to decorate your house with your own handmade things and I think your hubby will like it too and feel special that you made it partly for him :)
Ok, let's start my little tour:
First we will start off with a few little toys that I played with as a child and wanted to save for my girls :)

REAL Polly Pockets!!!!




A little Precious Moments Nativity.

My baby spoon, lol.

A little Precious Moments doll.  (I LOVE Precious Moments!).

One of my little critters I had as a baby :)

Kitchen items.  There are bowls in bubble wrap and measuring spoons in bubble wrap.  I didn't really want to fool with removing the bubble wrap and then putting it back.  All the red things, my bff and 'sis', Monica gave me for this last Christmas :)  Oh and then there's a pink rubber spatula and a rolling pin :) 

Handkerchiefs and pink flour sacks.

 A hand mirror from my Daddy's side of the family.  It's old, lol, I can't remember who's it was.  The fan my Mommy got when she went to Hawaii several years ago (before we ever came along ;)) and the afghan she made for my cousin Jeremy when he was a baby but never finished it.

My Above Rubies magazines.  I always save an extra one when we get them and put it in my Hope Chest.

Journals that I filled up starting in '02.  There are 10 of them.
Some stitcheries and a little quilt I have yet to start.

An apron Mommy and I made for me when I was a wee lass!  (Hard to believe I was ever that tiny, lol!).

A dress Mommy made me when I was little.  It's probably my favorite, I love the little jacket!

And another one.

And another one with a sash.

One more.
I'm hoping these will fit my girls someday :)
There were a few other little things, but one was in a taped little box and I didn't want to fool with that. 
To tell you the truth, I don't have a Hope Chest.  I have two plastic 'Hope Boxes'.  I used to have a Hope Chest, but it kinda fell apart, so I need a new one :)
Ok, well I hope you enjoyed my little tour of my 'Hope Box'.

Goodbye for now!
God bless!
Grace be with you!
Alive because of His Blood,
Katie Bekah

1 comment:

Brittany November said...

A while back I drug out the stuff in my hope chest and took pictures of it. I can't remember if you commented on it or not...but yeah. I don't have as much. Just a bunch of kitchen-y things. I don't really have any toys or kid's clothes either because I'm still not sure about having Brittany Jr.'s running around, but I keep my American Girl dolls in my hope chest, just because I can't stand to get rid of them since they were my favorites. :)