This world is not worth living for!
Its honors, its riches, its glories are things ever passing away; but the love of Jesus is as eternal as Himself.
Oh, live for eternity! The glory of this world is fading, and is soon gone, and gone forever!
Again I say, live for a glorious eternity!
If you could have the glory, the wealth, and the honors of this world laid at your feet--how short would be the empty enjoyment of them.
-Mary Winslow
Hmm, ya know what bugs me? Those stupid hair commercials..."When it comes to going bald, you now have a choice....!" I suppose I can understand that people would like more hair, but it's just so stupid to see other commercials about hair when a guy who is almost bald goes up to girls and put his hat on so they won't notice his lack of hair. It's just so stupid, what kind of a girl would care whether or not a guy has hair or not? It doesn't make any difference to me, if the guy is completely bald, why should that keep me from talking to him or whatever? It just doesn't make sense that we're like that. I also am annoyed by the commercials of women having great hair and then they go on to say how having children can really mess up the time you are able to spend on your hair. Yes, of course, your hair is supposed to be clean and healthy, but c'mon?? It's just so ridiculous. Now, let me say that I am not in any way making myself out to sound better than other people because, believe me, I am soooo not better than anyone else, we are all sinners and there isn't one of us who is better than another one. Only Jesus is perfect. I just think it's really sad that we are all so consumed by our appearance, I am soo not excluding myself from that, because I struggle with self-image like everyone else. I even feel like I can't look feminine if I don't have a lil body, but I'm sure it's possible, I'm just embarrassed to wear the feminine tops that I love so much because I feel uncomfortable in them. I do get discouraged, but in those times I try to keep my focus on Christ and I can't tell you how wonderful a feeling it is when all of those feelings go away. God has sent us here to be His servants and I'm not getting anything done if all I think about is myself. That's not to say that you should just not care about what you're wearing because as girls we are to dress modestly. We are causing our brothers to stumble if we dress in a revealing way. Not only that, but it's just not right to dress that way. I've even seen a website that sells "Christian" immodest clothing, those words next to each other are just not right. I believe part of dressing modestly is to dress femininely and look like a girl, it's not just not showing so much skin (though that is the main part). 1 Timothy 2:9: "..likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control..." It's just not right for a woman to "show herself off". Not only is it causing our brothers to stumble, but what about young girls who see that and wish they could have a body like that. Titus 2:3-4: 3: Older women likewise are to be reverent in behaviour, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, 4: and so train the young women to love their husbands and children. Instead, girls are taught all over the place to dress in a way that is (forgive me for using this term) "sexy" and parents don't seem to care (not all parents). How are we teaching what is good with our behaviour and dress? Another thing that annoys me is on these stupid "kids" shows there is so much kissing and "romance" and of course, immodest dressing. On most of the shows that I've seen a guy can just walk up to a girl that he doesn't even know and say "Hey baby, you wanna go out?" and she says yes!!! It's disgusting that this happens, that kids watch these shows that these shows even exist. Whatever happened to the good wholesome family shows like "Andy Griffith" and "The Waltons"...ahh," Avonlea", one of my very favorites! Nothing like that would ever happen in those shows. God has been taken out of schools, His Holy Name is taken in vain on every show on Nickelodeon, every other show in the world, basically, save for Disney channel, but they don't mind putting it in their movies. There is something terribly wrong with all of this. Children are sent such terrible messages, that it's alright to have relationships with a different person every week to kiss all of the ones you are in a relationship with. What are parents doing about it? (Once again, not all parents)....I'll give you the answer...NOTHING. They're letting their kids do their own thing, they don't care if their 11 year old daughter comes home the next day announcing she's pregnant. Women don't care about killing their babies while they're still in their stomach. "Thou shall not murder". As Mommy so often says, mothers lock up their jewels in a safe but let their kids run loose. Now, we do watch the auditions for "American Idol" (such a stupid name for a show) and there was this one girl on there who only got through because Simon and Randy liked her body and she was wearing a bikini to show off her body and that is the ONLY reason she got through because she was terrible. Yet, another example of causing men to stumble. Let us pray, this world does so need a change. Here is how I dream of a real relationship. Waiting for my knight in shining armor.
Well, my friends, it's true, my Birfday is over now. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted and like I told Guitargirl, there's always next year;) I literally didn't do anything, but hey, it was cool. Hmm, this is one of those deals when I can't think of anything else to say, lemme see if I can find a picture or video or both to put up....
To go with the Christmas theme, I thought you all might enjoy a lil fun from FF5:) Here is their lovely version of "Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer...enjoy!
1. Favorite color: Pink, Blue, and Purple 2. Favorite number: 33 3. Favorite animal: Lion 4. Favorite food: Anything homemade. 5. Favorite drink: Water, tea, coffee, Starbucks-ish stuff:) 6. Favorite dessert: Cheesecake 7. Favorite ice cream flavor: Cookies & Cream (right now;)). 8. Favorite pastime: Reading, writing, etc. 9. Favorite piece of clothing: Long full skirts, flowy tops. 10. Favorite TV show: Man vs. Wild, Remington Steele, Premier League World, Fox Soccer Report 11. Favorite actor/actress: Michael Caine, Pierce Brosnan, ??? 12. Favorite song: Golly, I can't remember what it is. Umm, "Don't I Look The Same" by Mainstay, "We're Already Dead" by The Becoming, "We All Need" by Esterlyn. I don't know if any of those are it, but I love 'em! 13. Favorite band/musician: Esterlyn and FF5 14. Favorite singing person: Lauren Barlow 15. Favorite author: Elizabeth Prentiss, Noelle Goforth, Crystal Paine, ??? 16. Favorite book: God's Word, "Basket Of Flowers"...oh heck, check my profile:p 17. Favorite fictional place: When Chris and I were younger we had our own lil Lego village, so that would be my favorite:) 18. Favorite character from any book, movie, or TV show: Violet Travilla....this SO does not go with her, but Remington Steele;) 19. Favorite city (even if you've never been there): London or Manchester. I love what all of the cities, I've seen, in England look like, even though I've never been there. 20. Favorite country (besides your own): I wanna see England, Scotland, Ireland, Portugal, Austria, ??? 21. Favorite vacation spot: Memaw and Grandpa's 22. Favorite mountain: Golly, I don't know, they're all pretty. 23. Favorite website: or (I of course, love visiting my buddie's and Mommy's blogs as well:)). 24. Favorite computer/video game: FIFA, PES, Pirates of The Carribbean "Dead Man's Chest", Harry Potter "Order of The Phoenix", Lord of the Rings games 25. Favorite technological thingamabob: What an odd question, lol, I'm gonna say computer, I guess. 26. Favorite Facebook flair (show a picture if you can): I don't know how to show a picture of it, so I'll just tell you, it has a purple heart on it and says "Daddy's Little Girl". 27. Favorite letter/symbol: Golly, I have no idea. 28. Favorite boy name: Christopher, Thomas, Daniel, Zlatan, Cristiano, Jeremiah, Matthias, Rio, Gavin, David, Michael, Jeremy....Soul Glow Activatur, Crouton, Nadaddy, Chapstique, Phatty (haha, jk, those are the "names" of FF5) 29. Favorite girl name: Judy, Meghan, Brittany, Monica, Faith, Hope, Grace, Rebekah, Lauren.... 30. Favorite store: Any kitchen store, clothes store (modest), shoe store (modest), Lamplighter, Vision Forum.... 31. Favorite sandwich: BLT, I guess. 32. Favorite object/animal/person that begins with a P: Piper, John ;) 33. Favorite thing to poke fun at: Hmmm, Guitargirl:p lol, jk, well not really, but yeah. I'm sure she feels the same way about me, though;p 34. Favorite time of day: Morning 35. Least favorite color: Black 36. Least favorite TV show: Too many to name. 37. Least favorite name: Frank. I'm sure there are others, but I can't think of 'em. 38. Least favorite kitchen utensil: Hmm, I'm gonna say whisk, because it's not the easiest thing in the world to wash;) 39. Least favorite time of day: Nighttime 40. Least favorite piece of furniture in your house: Lol, our couch, the dang thing is falling apart>:(
Hello, On my last post, I had mentioned a band called Esterlyn and I would like to share with you their video for "We All Need", so here it is:)
Yes, yes, I'm sure you love it, at least you should>:) Now, since you heard that song and Esterlyn is your favorite band now, please visit their MySpace and then purchase their CD:p Ok, you don't have to, but I HIGHLY encourage it:D
Yesterday was my Birthday and I would like to say what I did, but it won't be too long;) I literally didn't do anything, lol. You see, don't get any wrong ideas here, I am not a video game kind of girl, but we do have two games that are specifically for me, so I played some of one yesterday (not that no one else can play it, but no one else wants to). I have also been playing it today too and beat it, lol. Of course, I didn't start it and finish it in two days though. See, here's my thing, I would go upstairs and do something, but I like be down here with Mommy and Chris (when he's down here). Haha, I even miss them when they're just in the other room, just tells you how much we love each other:) Of course, I miss Daddy too. The Lord has just blessed me with the most wonderful family a girl could ask for. Sometimes I do wish that I had lil siblings or an older sister, but then I think of my peeps and can't picture anything being different because I love them all so much. I am just so thankful for all of them and I totally love my life, even though we do not have a Church to go to right now. I have never met my buddies face to face, but that is our hope and prayer that one day we might meet! Oh, also, yesterday....we watched the best movie ever ready??? "The Muppet's Christmas Carol"!!!!!!!!! YEA!!! However, in the midst of watching it, one of my best buddies called me (as she said on her blog;)), Guitargirl:-D We had a nice lil conversation, lotsa laughs:p Sometime after that, another one of my best buddies called me, Meghan over at My Simple Blessed Life, and we had a nice lil conversation as well....and some more laughs:-D I also texted with another one of my best buddies last night:) Just to let you all know, all of my *buddies* are girls. So you never have to wonder "Hey, I wonder if she means she's talkin' to one of her dude friends??" Like I'm sure everyone who reads this wonders that, right;) I actually don't have any dude friends, but hey, that's alright. Until I meet my future husband, I don't need any:) I have my Daddy and brothers, they're the only men I need right now:) Also, when I said that I've been playing my game today too, that's because my Birthday seeped into today as well. I do not know how long it will last, but we'll see lol. It's usually until your Birfday cake is gone, and I haven't even had mine yet, haha! So, right now I'm (obviously) on the computer and I'm listening to my playlist ("Same Old Lang Syne" by Dan Fogelberg just came on, if you're interested;)) and drinking chocolate milk, yyyyuuuuummmmmyyyyyy!!!!!!! I do believe I have run out of things to say, so I shall leave you with a playlist thingy that Guitargirl did but didn't tag anyone because she was too distraugt:( This one's for you Guitargirl, love you!!!
1. If your goldfish wanted to be sung to sleep every night, what song would you sing to it? "Do Ya" by Dover
2. What do you think of your friends? "From Extremely Far Away" by VA THAT is the dang truth, LOL.....unfortunately:(
3. What song do you play to calm yourself down? "The Island" by Celtic Thunder
4. What does your family think of you? "The Clincher" by Chevelle....HUH???
5. What is your code name? "Christmas In Dixie" by that is very strange:-0
6. You buy a new T-Shirt. What does it say on the front? Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban "Double Trouble" by John Williams...umm, that's really odd.
7. When strangers pass you by on the street, what do they think? "Dance Or Die" by Family Force 5....ok....
8. What will you name your latest work of art? "He's Alive" by Dolly Parton
9. What will they play at your funeral? "The Kill" by 30 Seconds To poor people, that's very strange.
10. What will you rock out to on your 60th birthday? "Image Of The Invisible" by Thrice....whoa, I'm also going to dance to this at my Wedding, lol. Now, I would like to see 60 year old people rockin' out to this song, haha!
11. What do you think of cats? Aw golly, I'm so swell...."If You Leave Me Now" by Chicago....I didn't know I loved cats that much, LOL, that's a lil disturbing!
12. What will you post this as? "We All Need" by Esterlyn :-D Yea, Guitargirl....Esterlyn!!!! LOL!
Tomorrow is my Birthday, but since Daddy was off today we decided to celebrate it today. We went a few places, yet I couldn't find anything I wanted anywhere so therefore, didn't get anything. We did go to Starbuck's and of course I got something there;) At 4:30 my oldest brother, Tommy, met us at Applebee's for an early supper. We didn't tell the dude waitin' on us that it was my Birthday because I would have been so embarrassed if they came out and started singin' to me, lol. When he gave us the bill though and Mommy had said something and called me the Birthday girl and I was like "Shhh!!" Thankfully they didn't sing to me and he just came out with a lil Birthday Sundae for me, it was tasty:) Anyway, we had a really great day! Now the only problem is I still don't know what to do tomorrow. We can't actually go anywhere because we don't have another vehicle yet. But what should I do at home??? See, in our house, when it's your Birthday you don't do anything that day (meaning cleaning and stuff like that) 'cept for what you wanna do. Ah anyway, I suppose we'll see what happens. It's like 2 degrees here, brrrrr!!! I need a blanket or somethin, lol! Perhaps I shall get offa here and read or sumpin'.....hmmmm Oh, and actually, I'm already considered the Birthday girl, so I can't do anything tonight either, oh well. Well, golly I wish I had more to write about, but I can' t think of anything:( Suppose, I'll talk to y'all lata!!! Alive because of His Blood, Bekah
Guitargirldid this, so I'm going to also. Since I (like Guitargirl) do not have an Ipod, what you do is listen to your Ipod (or in our case, our playlists) and whatever song is on for the question you're on that's the one you answer with:) A lil strange, but kind of cool:)
If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say? "Washed By The Water" by Needtobreathe
How would you describe yourself? "Dance or Die" by Family Force that's just odd;)
What do you like in a guy/girl? "Breath" by Breaking Benjamin.....haha, Guitargirl and I both had 'breathing' songs for this's pretty cool how it's alliterated, is it not?? ;)
How do you feel today? "Broken World" by Across The Sky....awww, that's kind of sad:(
What is your life's purpose? Oh great...."Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer" by Family Force 5...what the heck??? That is so not my life's purpose....
What is your motto? "Molotov" by Dead Poetic...huh??
What do your friends think of you? "Same Old Lang Syne" by Dan Fogelberg....ok, that's interesting, I'm a lil disturbed by this one.
What do you think of your parents? NOOOOOOO, I do not like this one one bit!!!!!!! "Glass In The Trees" by Dead Poetic:( That's it, I'm gonna see what song comes on next>:( Yes, yes, this is definitely them, "You're The Inspiration" by Chicago:)
What do you think about very often? "Matthias Replaces Judas" by Showbread
What do you think of your best friend? "In Christ Alone" by Adrienne Liesching & Geoff Moore
What do you think of the person you like? I really don't want to write this one, could we say we're married?? "The Island" by Celtic Thunder...let's find another one...ok, this is odd, but "Whatcha Gonna Do With It" by Family Force 5
What is your life story? "Do Ya" by Dover...that's interesting 8-)
What do you want to be when you grow up? "Stop and Stare" by One Republic
What do you think of when you see the person you like? This is so not cool, I'm not gonna write this one....we'll see what the next song is...."Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban: Double Trouble" by John Williams...haha, apparently we're trouble makers;)
What will you dance to at your wedding? Golly, I don't want to dance to this one "Image of The Invisible" by's much too loud.
What will they play at your funeral? "My Confession" by Josh Groban
What is your hobby/interest? "Everything" by Seven this one I like (not because my interests are everything, but because of the lyrics) :)
What is your biggest fear? Aww, but this isn't my biggest fear..."Light Up Ahead" by Further Seems fact I can't wait!
What is your biggest secret? "Bury The Difference" by Dead Poetic
What do you think of your friends? "Landslide" by Seven Places...that's interesting.
What will you post this as? "Better Days" by Goo Goo Dolls
Yesterday, the Lord blessed us with a beautiful snowfall. The snow's still stickin' and it's really pretty. I love snow:) So, I'm in a bit of a bind, next Friday is my 19th Birthday and I don't know what to do. I've already decided we'll go to Starbucks, Lord willing, maybe.....are you ready....Wal-Mart! Do I know how to have fun or what? Haha! So, what I'm getting to here is, does anyone have any ideas as to what I could do?? I'm not even sure what kind of cake I want, I've been thinking a Blueberry Cheesecake, but am not sure, maybe Strawberry? I'm not really a cake kind of girl, Cheesecake is more my 'thang'.
In other news....well, I don't know what the other news could be, let me think..... Unfortunately Man U lost yesterday to Derby!!! C'mon, Derby???!!! Now, that is sad. True, we didn't have most of our key players, oh but still, c'mon people! Anyway, just needed to complain for a minute. Cristiano Ronaldo was in a bad car accident, but he's fine, he walked away from it, so that's good. Here are some pictures:
Pretty bad, huh? I'm just thankful the dude is alright, I'm sure he is too;)
Ok, let's change the subject.... Last week, I made a Carrot Cake for Chris. His favorite cake used to be yellow with chocolate frosting, but ever since I made my Carrot Cake a couple of years ago, that is his favorite now:) Makes me feel special:)
Oh dear, I didn't tell you about my Christmas! It was great. We all had a wonderful time. Christmas Eve we went to Daddy's parents' clubhouse (they live in a condo) and Mommy and I sat with Mawmaw (his Mom), Great Uncle Bill, and Great Aunt Joyce and had a great time. They were talking about when they were younger and Uncle Bill told us a lil bit about when he was in the war. There were a lot of laughs too. One story he told us was when he was in the war and stationed in Boston and they were in a graveyard at night to get some sleep and he slept on one of our President's grave! I cannot for the life of me remember which one it was. Mommy said, "How many people can say they slept on a President's grave?", haha! I don't imagine most young people like to hear stories about when their grandparents, great uncles and aunts, and really just any elderly people talk about when they were younger, but that is one thing that I love and cherish. Daddy's family doesn't really do that, so it was such a treat for me to sit there with them while they talked about all of that. Mommy's family does and I just love it! Course, I also love it when Daddy and Mommy talk about when they were younger as well.
On New Year's Eve day we went out and got some board games and snacks. New Year's Eve night, we had the snacks and Mommy, Chris, and I played Trivial Pursuit until 2:20ish am, haha! It was really fun. Daddy doesn't care for board games but he would answer some of the questions sometimes, even though they were just for the three of us, but it was fun:) He was switchin' between playin' a video game and watchin' television.
Hmm, I also bought the new Celtic Thunder CD "Act 2" that day as well as Downhere's new CD "Ending Is Beginning" and the "Chronicles Of Narnia" DVD's. Last week Mommy ordered some things for me, though I bought them. The stuff came a couple of days ago. I got a Man U scarf and Man U stationary (lol) and an Inter Milan hoodie:) It's all great. Very happy with my purchases, I am!
Well, let's see, I think this one is long enough. Goodbye, now!
My friend Guitargirl tagged me a while ago to write 15 random things about myself and I never did it, so I thought now would be a good time.
1. I still sleep with a big Winnie the Pooh that I've had for several years now. 2. I like to talk with different accents sometimes. 3. I love dark chocolate! 4. I'm a firm believer that white chocolate is NOT chocolate! 5. I love coffee. 6. I like SOME metal music. 7. I like southern Gospel music. 8. I do not own any black clothes. 9. If I played Football I would want to be a defender (go Rio Ferdinand!!!). 10. I haven't seen a movie in theaters in about 10 years. 11. When I was a wee lassie I fell down a flight of iron steps and wasn't injured in the least bit, no scratches or anything. 12. One of my nicknames is Bundesliga (long story). 13. I like meteorology (in fact my brother, Chris, got me a book on the subject for Christmas, yepyep, he rocks!!). 14. Michael Caine is my favorite actor and I've only seen him in two movies, "Muppet's Christmas Carol" being one of them). 15. It always makes me happy when people tell me I look like my Mommy:)
Ok, there you have it. I tag Meghan and Sara at My Simple Blessed Life, your Mum can do it too, if she wants to:)