Yesterday, the Lord blessed us with a beautiful snowfall. The snow's still stickin' and it's really pretty. I love snow:)
So, I'm in a bit of a bind, next Friday is my 19th Birthday and I don't know what to do. I've already decided we'll go to Starbucks, Lord willing, maybe.....are you ready....Wal-Mart! Do I know how to have fun or what? Haha! So, what I'm getting to here is, does anyone have any ideas as to what I could do??
I'm not even sure what kind of cake I want, I've been thinking a Blueberry Cheesecake, but am not sure, maybe Strawberry? I'm not really a cake kind of girl, Cheesecake is more my 'thang'.
In other news....well, I don't know what the other news could be, let me think.....
Unfortunately Man U lost yesterday to Derby!!! C'mon, Derby???!!! Now, that is sad. True, we didn't have most of our key players, oh but still, c'mon people! Anyway, just needed to complain for a minute.
Cristiano Ronaldo was in a bad car accident, but he's fine, he walked away from it, so that's good.
Here are some pictures:

Pretty bad, huh? I'm just thankful the dude is alright, I'm sure he is too;)
Ok, let's change the subject....
Last week, I made a Carrot Cake for Chris. His favorite cake used to be yellow with chocolate frosting, but ever since I made my Carrot Cake a couple of years ago, that is his favorite now:) Makes me feel special:)
Oh dear, I didn't tell you about my Christmas!
It was great. We all had a wonderful time. Christmas Eve we went to Daddy's parents' clubhouse (they live in a condo) and Mommy and I sat with Mawmaw (his Mom), Great Uncle Bill, and Great Aunt Joyce and had a great time. They were talking about when they were younger and Uncle Bill told us a lil bit about when he was in the war. There were a lot of laughs too.
One story he told us was when he was in the war and stationed in Boston and they were in a graveyard at night to get some sleep and he slept on one of our President's grave! I cannot for the life of me remember which one it was. Mommy said, "How many people can say they slept on a President's grave?", haha!
I don't imagine most young people like to hear stories about when their grandparents, great uncles and aunts, and really just any elderly people talk about when they were younger, but that is one thing that I love and cherish.
Daddy's family doesn't really do that, so it was such a treat for me to sit there with them while they talked about all of that. Mommy's family does and I just love it! Course, I also love it when Daddy and Mommy talk about when they were younger as well.
On New Year's Eve day we went out and got some board games and snacks.
New Year's Eve night, we had the snacks and Mommy, Chris, and I played Trivial Pursuit until 2:20ish am, haha! It was really fun. Daddy doesn't care for board games but he would answer some of the questions sometimes, even though they were just for the three of us, but it was fun:) He was switchin' between playin' a video game and watchin' television.
Hmm, I also bought the new Celtic Thunder CD "Act 2" that day as well as Downhere's new CD "Ending Is Beginning" and the "Chronicles Of Narnia" DVD's.
Last week Mommy ordered some things for me, though I bought them. The stuff came a couple of days ago. I got a Man U scarf and Man U stationary (lol) and an Inter Milan hoodie:) It's all great. Very happy with my purchases, I am!
Well, let's see, I think this one is long enough. Goodbye, now!
Alive because of His Blood,
Omigosh! I love hearing my grandad talking about growing up! :-D
Wow. Bad crash :-O
Now let's see; for your birthday you should request to go to England with a stopover in Pennsylvania to pick me up :P Then you should request to go to Disneyworld and the moon and deep sea diving. And why stop there?!
Ah, you don't how much I would LOVE to do that!! Ahhh, if only I could...of course, if I was gonna stop over in PA first and get you, I would have to get Meghan too!!
Not too interested in Disneyworld, but hey, why not?? ;) Hmmm, what else could we think up??? Haha!
Hmmm....birthday. I know! Come out and visit us!!!! Starbucks sounds fun!! I'll be having coffee with you in my mind on your birthday, Bekah!!!
We did this for Sara's 13th birthday......Mum dropped us off at the mall and we went window shopping. I think all we bought was....some candy, a little food and Sara got herself a builda-bear with a gift certificate. :) It was fun to go into the REALLY expensive places like White House Black Market and try on (insanely expensive) things. We just went into stores, tried stuff on, took a few pictures, talked, giggled. Though...I don't know how much Chris would be into that. :) Just an idea. Love ya!
Oh, if only we could come out and visit you!!! That would be soooooo awesome! Aw, thank you for thinking about me while you're having coffee:)
Hmm, that does sound like fun, but no, Chris definitely wouldn't be into that, haha! Though he did ask me if I would like to go to the mall just because he wanted to give me some ideas and he knows what I like. I thought maybe, but then he said he wouldn't want to come with us then because he wouldn't go to the mall, so that's out because I want him to go with us:)
Maybe sometime after my Birthday or whenever Mommy and I could go to the mall and look around. We don't really like ours, though, but it would be alright to go to it anyway.
Love you too, Meghan!!
Thank you for posting the Celtic Thunder Tune Widget. They're fantastic. Check out my Google Knol:
As a Rescue Volunteer, I also liked your pictures of the accident and response teams.
Bounty Hunter:
You're welcome! They're one of my very favorites!
I'm glad you liked the pictures. That's awesome that you're a Rescue Volunteer!
God bless!
I'm certified in about 15 rescue specialties and get a lot of satisfaction in helping people.
I see your are a friend of Our Lord. As his friend, also, might I please suggest you check out another one of his friends, who is one of his very special angels. I realize that Christmas is over, but here is a link to a very beautiful song she sings that I would like to bring to your attention:
She lives in London. Check her out on Wikipedia:
Bounty Hunter:
Wow, that's very awesome that you're certified in all of that! I imagine it would give one satisfaction.
Thank you for the links, I shall check them out.
It's great to know another friend of our Lord!
I'm just you like Football?? I mean Man U or any other teams. Any Serie A?
God bless!
Hi, Bekah:
I spent a couple of years in the seminary and was able to develop a close enough relationship that I get my butt kicked often for being naughty.
Football? Only a bit, barely. American and British versions. Mostly I like NASCAR racing (cf.
Please let me know what you think of Hayley. I am an adoring fan and envy your closeness to her upcoming Valentines Concert next month.
Hi, Bounty Hunter:
Golly, that doesn't sound very good.
That's cool that you like that, must say, never been interested in it myself, but it's still cool.
Oh, I love Hayley!! She's one of my very favorite singers ever!
I'm sorry, I'm rather confused, my closeness?
Hayley might be from New Zealand and sing all over the world, but she lives in London and during the next two weeks will be performing all over England.
Surely you will be close to one of her concert venues. This is a quote from her website:
date venue
Feb - 06 Rhyl Pavillion
Feb - 08 Reading Hexagon
Feb - 09 Lowestoft Marina
Feb - 11 Oxford New Theatre
Feb - 12 Bradford St George Hall
Feb - 14 Bristol Colston Hall
Feb - 15 London Palladium
Feb - 17 Eastbourne Congress
Feb - 20 Dartford Orchard
Feb - 21 Manchester Bridgewater
Feb - 23 Cardiff St David's Hall
Feb - 25 Llandudno North Wales
Mar - 03 Birmingham Town Hall
Mar - 04 Bournemouth Hall
Mar - 06 Cheltenham Town Hall
Surely you live near one of these venues! If you go, I desire a FULL REPORT in the interest of fairness and equity, since we here in America are culturally deprived of angelic music, being burdened with rap and headbanging.
Hi, Bounty Hunter:
Golly, I am soooo sorry, I don't live in England!!! I live in America!!
You've no idea how much I would love to see her in concert...well, and go to England, but alas, I do not live there.
I'm sooooo sorry!! :(
Guess I thought you lived in England because the rescue workers looked like UK crews.
No, I'm sorry, I should've said that I found those pictures online. See, Cristiano is a professional Football player that plays for Manchester United and I just wanted to show those pictures.
Unfortunately, I don't know him;)
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