I literally didn't do anything, but hey, it was cool.
Hmm, this is one of those deals when I can't think of anything else to say, lemme see if I can find a picture or video or both to put up....
To go with the Christmas theme, I thought you all might enjoy a lil fun from FF5:) Here is their lovely version of "Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer...enjoy!
Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer
1. Favorite color: Pink, Blue, and Purple
2. Favorite number: 33
3. Favorite animal: Lion
4. Favorite food: Anything homemade.
5. Favorite drink: Water, tea, coffee, Starbucks-ish stuff:)
6. Favorite dessert: Cheesecake
7. Favorite ice cream flavor: Cookies & Cream (right now;)).
8. Favorite pastime: Reading, writing, etc.
9. Favorite piece of clothing: Long full skirts, flowy tops.
10. Favorite TV show: Man vs. Wild, Remington Steele, Premier League World, Fox Soccer Report
11. Favorite actor/actress: Michael Caine, Pierce Brosnan, ???
12. Favorite song: Golly, I can't remember what it is. Umm, "Don't I Look The Same" by Mainstay, "We're Already Dead" by The Becoming, "We All Need" by Esterlyn. I don't know if any of those are it, but I love 'em!
13. Favorite band/musician: Esterlyn and FF5
14. Favorite singing person: Lauren Barlow
15. Favorite author: Elizabeth Prentiss, Noelle Goforth, Crystal Paine, ???
16. Favorite book: God's Word, "Basket Of Flowers"...oh heck, check my profile:p
17. Favorite fictional place: When Chris and I were younger we had our own lil Lego village, so that would be my favorite:)
18. Favorite character from any book, movie, or TV show: Violet Travilla....this SO does not go with her, but Remington Steele;)
19. Favorite city (even if you've never been there): London or Manchester. I love what all of the cities, I've seen, in England look like, even though I've never been there.
20. Favorite country (besides your own): I wanna see England, Scotland, Ireland, Portugal, Austria, ???
21. Favorite vacation spot: Memaw and Grandpa's
22. Favorite mountain: Golly, I don't know, they're all pretty.
23. Favorite website: Manutd.com or Inter.it (I of course, love visiting my buddie's and Mommy's blogs as well:)).
24. Favorite computer/video game: FIFA, PES, Pirates of The Carribbean "Dead Man's Chest", Harry Potter "Order of The Phoenix", Lord of the Rings games
25. Favorite technological thingamabob: What an odd question, lol, I'm gonna say computer, I guess.
26. Favorite Facebook flair (show a picture if you can): I don't know how to show a picture of it, so I'll just tell you, it has a purple heart on it and says "Daddy's Little Girl".
27. Favorite letter/symbol: Golly, I have no idea.
28. Favorite boy name: Christopher, Thomas, Daniel, Zlatan, Cristiano, Jeremiah, Matthias, Rio, Gavin, David, Michael, Jeremy....Soul Glow Activatur, Crouton, Nadaddy, Chapstique, Phatty (haha, jk, those are the "names" of FF5)
29. Favorite girl name: Judy, Meghan, Brittany, Monica, Faith, Hope, Grace, Rebekah, Lauren....
30. Favorite store: Any kitchen store, clothes store (modest), shoe store (modest), Lamplighter, Vision Forum....
31. Favorite sandwich: BLT, I guess.
32. Favorite object/animal/person that begins with a P: Piper, John ;)
33. Favorite thing to poke fun at: Hmmm, Guitargirl:p lol, jk, well not really, but yeah. I'm sure she feels the same way about me, though;p
34. Favorite time of day: Morning
35. Least favorite color: Black
36. Least favorite TV show: Too many to name.
37. Least favorite name: Frank. I'm sure there are others, but I can't think of 'em.
38. Least favorite kitchen utensil: Hmm, I'm gonna say whisk, because it's not the easiest thing in the world to wash;)
39. Least favorite time of day: Nighttime
40. Least favorite piece of furniture in your house: Lol, our couch, the dang thing is falling apart>:(
I tag Mommy, Sara and Meghan.
Alive because of His Blood,
Hehe. I like your list of favorite boy names ;)
Your least favorite color is black?! It's like my favorite! 8-O Weeeeeird.....
Thank you;)
I know, it is strange:-O lol
Love ya!
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