I suppose I can understand that people would like more hair, but it's just so stupid to see other commercials about hair when a guy who is almost bald goes up to girls and put his hat on so they won't notice his lack of hair.
It's just so stupid, what kind of a girl would care whether or not a guy has hair or not? It doesn't make any difference to me, if the guy is completely bald, why should that keep me from talking to him or whatever? It just doesn't make sense that we're like that.
I also am annoyed by the commercials of women having great hair and then they go on to say how having children can really mess up the time you are able to spend on your hair. Yes, of course, your hair is supposed to be clean and healthy, but c'mon?? It's just so ridiculous.
Now, let me say that I am not in any way making myself out to sound better than other people because, believe me, I am soooo not better than anyone else, we are all sinners and there isn't one of us who is better than another one.
Only Jesus is perfect.
I just think it's really sad that we are all so consumed by our appearance, I am soo not excluding myself from that, because I struggle with self-image like everyone else. I even feel like I can't look feminine if I don't have a lil body, but I'm sure it's possible, I'm just embarrassed to wear the feminine tops that I love so much because I feel uncomfortable in them. I do get discouraged, but in those times I try to keep my focus on Christ and I can't tell you how wonderful a feeling it is when all of those feelings go away. God has sent us here to be His servants and I'm not getting anything done if all I think about is myself.
That's not to say that you should just not care about what you're wearing because as girls we are to dress modestly. We are causing our brothers to stumble if we dress in a revealing way. Not only that, but it's just not right to dress that way.
I've even seen a website that sells "Christian" immodest clothing, those words next to each other are just not right.
I believe part of dressing modestly is to dress femininely and look like a girl, it's not just not showing so much skin (though that is the main part).
1 Timothy 2:9:
"..likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control..."
It's just not right for a woman to "show herself off". Not only is it causing our brothers to stumble, but what about young girls who see that and wish they could have a body like that.
Titus 2:3-4:
3: Older women likewise are to be reverent in behaviour, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, 4: and so train the young women to love their husbands and children.
Instead, girls are taught all over the place to dress in a way that is (forgive me for using this term) "sexy" and parents don't seem to care (not all parents). How are we teaching what is good with our behaviour and dress?
Another thing that annoys me is on these stupid "kids" shows there is so much kissing and "romance" and of course, immodest dressing. On most of the shows that I've seen a guy can just walk up to a girl that he doesn't even know and say "Hey baby, you wanna go out?" and she says yes!!! It's disgusting that this happens, that kids watch these shows that these shows even exist. Whatever happened to the good wholesome family shows like "Andy Griffith" and "The Waltons"...ahh," Avonlea", one of my very favorites! Nothing like that would ever happen in those shows.
God has been taken out of schools, His Holy Name is taken in vain on every show on Nickelodeon, every other show in the world, basically, save for Disney channel, but they don't mind putting it in their movies. There is something terribly wrong with all of this.
Children are sent such terrible messages, that it's alright to have relationships with a different person every week to kiss all of the ones you are in a relationship with.
What are parents doing about it? (Once again, not all parents)....I'll give you the answer...NOTHING. They're letting their kids do their own thing, they don't care if their 11 year old daughter comes home the next day announcing she's pregnant. Women don't care about killing their babies while they're still in their stomach. "Thou shall not murder". As Mommy so often says, mothers lock up their jewels in a safe but let their kids run loose.
Now, we do watch the auditions for "American Idol" (such a stupid name for a show) and there was this one girl on there who only got through because Simon and Randy liked her body and she was wearing a bikini to show off her body and that is the ONLY reason she got through because she was terrible.
Yet, another example of causing men to stumble.
Let us pray, this world does so need a change.
Here is how I dream of a real relationship. Waiting for my knight in shining armor.
Alive because of His Blood,
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