She awarded me with this:

I award:
and even though this might be kind of cheating, Sara at Unendingjoy
Miss Sara also tagged me wif this:
- the rules: erase my answers and put yours in. Use the first letter of your name to answer ALL of the following questions. If the person before you has the same 1st letter pick a new one. You CAN NOT use anything twice, and you CAN NOT use your own name for the boy/girl question. After you are done, tag 5 people...
1. What is your name? Bekah
2. A 4 letter word: Bear
3. A boy's name: Bo (hehe, Bear and Bo are two of the guys from NEEDTOBREATHE, they're brothers...hey, that Begins with a B too, lol! alliterations galore!!)
4. A girl's name: Belinda
5. An occupation: Banker
6. A color: Blue
7. Something you wear: Boots
8. A Food: Berry
9. Something found in the bathroom: Bath (ha, now that was hard;))
10. A place: Bulgaria
11. A reason for being late: Broken bone
12. Something you shout: BOO!
13. A movie title: Brother's Grim, The...hehe;)
14. Something you drink: Brandy
15. An animal: Bat
16. A song title: "Bury The Difference" by Dead Poetic
17. A verb: Bow hunting
I only know of 2 people to tag Guitargirl and Mommy (unless of course someone that doesn't have a blog comes here and sees it and wants to do it, feel free to do it in a comment! Michaela, you said these things must be fun to fill out so you can do it and leave it in a comment, if you wanna:))
Grace be with you!
Alive because of His Blood,
Hehe. Actaully, she was just hogging the computer messing around on the My Little Pony website before I could even get on the computer and I practically had to drag her yes, she still annoys me...wouldn't have it any other way though. LOL!
Thanx for the award and tag thingie! :-D
Well, it's still sweet that she did that for you!
Aw, that's so sweet that you're happy she annoys you, lol!
Uuuuuurrrrwelcome, m'dear!!
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