Monday, March 30, 2009

A Young Maiden's Daybook

To view HsKubes and other maiden's Daybooks, click the image above.

March 30, 2009

Outside my window...
The sun is shining brightly and everything looks so beautiful and Springish.

I am thinking...
I wish we could take a drive today, it's so beautiful outside!

I am thankful for...
My Mawmaw and Pawpaw doin
g better.

I am wearing...
Long denim skirt, burgundy heartprint hoodie with light pink sleeves.

I am reading...
Just finished "Feminine By Design" and will start reading "Aunt Jane's Hero" by Elizabeth Prentiss.

I am creating...
Nothing at the moment.

One of my favorite things...
Spending time with Mommy and Chris:)

For education this week...
I'm graduated so nothing.

A keeper at home skill I am using...
Uuummm, I don't know, different things. Never one thing in particular.

A spiritual lesson I’m learning...
"And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?"

A godly character trait I plan to work on...

Scripture I am memorizing...
Nothing at the moment.

I am praying for...
Mawmaw and Pawpaw

For the rest of the week...
Going out tomorrow with Mommy and Chris, hopefully visiting Memaw and Grandpa, Spring cleaning.

A picture I’d like to share…

My sweet Mawmaw and Pawpaw that I keep talking about and praying for. This was Christmas of '06.

Grace be with you all!
Alive because of His Blood,

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Song Tag Thing

My friend Guitargirl did this, so I wanted to do it too!

Choose two artists and answer the questions with their songs:)

Artist: Barlow Girl and NEEDTOBREATHE

Are you male or female?: "Average Girl"

Describe yourself: "Washed By The Water" :)

How do you feel about yourself?: "Take My Chances"...yes, I would like to take risks;)

Describe where you currently live: "Moving On"...see, that's what we would like to do, so I think y'all might get the idea;)

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: The only one I can think of is "Streets Of Gold" :)

Your best friend is: "Superstar" :)

Your favorite color is: "Clothes"...most of my clothes are pink, blue, or purple, so that works out perfectly:)

What's the weather like?: "Grey"

If your life was a tv show, what would it be called?: "5 Minutes Of Fame"

What is life to you?: "Psalm 73 (My God's Enough)"

What is the best advice you have to give?: "Don't Wait For Daylight"

If you could change your name, what would it be?: "Haley" (not really, but since I'm not doing Celtic Thunder, I can't say "Lauren and I";))

Your favorite food is: "Sweet Revenge" (obviously, I like sweet foods;))

That was fun. I tag
Mommy, Meghan, and Sara:)

Now wouldn't it figure, there was something else I was going to write about, but I can't remember what it was, sorry!

I'll just see if I can find a pic or video to share with you...hold on....k, got one! I cannot believe I've never shared this video with you all before, I absolutely LOVE it!!!

Mainstay Monday:

Hope you liked it, I think it's hilarious!

Grace be with you all!
Alive because of His Blood,

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Meet My 2nd Cousin, Will:)

Hello everyone!
I would like to introduce you all to my new 2nd cousin Will (as is obvious by the title;))....

Is he not the cutest lil thing you ever did see???!!! He was born March 13th and I got to hold him 6 days later when Daddy and I went to visit them. We were there for like an hour and I held him for like 45 minutes, I was in heaven! He makes the cutest lil faces and is a lil wiggle worm! Oh, I didn't want to let him go!

This is a picture of my Daddy holding him. My Daddy is rather tall, so you can imagine what it was like to see this lil person in his arms:)

Look at that cute lil face!!! He's asleep in my arms:)


Just a different angle of the picture above:)

Ok, I'll stop there:o) My cousin said they might come visit this week. Mommy wasn't able to go. They have two cats and cats are Mommy's worst allergy. I can't wait to see him again!!

Now, I'm going to add something that Guitargirl has on her blog. Let's see how well my buddies know me (mind you I have no idea how they'll answer the second question;)):

1: Where you and I met?
2: Take a stab at my middle name:
3: How long have you known me?
4: The last time we saw each other?
5: Would I ever go skydiving?
6: Your first impression of me upon meeting/seeing me?
7: Am I funny?
8. My best physical feature?
9: What's my favorite music?
10: Can I sing?
11: What do I want to do more than anything?
12: What is the one thing you think I should do?
13: Do I have any special talents? If so, what are they?
14: Have you ever hugged me?
15: My favorite food?
16: If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?
17: Your favorite memory of me?
18: If you and I were stranded on an island, what would I bring?
19: Where do you think I will be in 25 years?
20: Will you re-post this so I can fill this out for you?

I tag Mommy and Meghan :)

One more thing, what's wrong with Manchester United??? They've lost two games in a row...I'm disgusted>:( I don't expect anyone to answer that by the way...unless of course you play for them, then you can let me know, haha!! (Yeah, like that'll happen;)).


Grace be with you,
Alive because of His Blood,

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another Quiz Thing;)

First of all, I would like to add two more things to my random things about me that I did last night:
One, my Daddy took me to a UK Basketball game a few years ago and we won..."we" being UK, of course;)
Two, I like listening to elderly people talk about their childhood and can't get enough of it! I even like hearing the same stories over and over again:)
Now, Guitargirl did this so I want to also:)


What is your salad dressing of choice? Ranch

What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? Dark Chocolate and/or Cheesecake;) They would prolly make me sick, but I wouldn't get sick of 'em;)

What are your pizza toppings of choice? Cheese, mushrooms, sauteed green peppers and onions, and pepperoni.

What do you like to put on your toast? Depends on what I'm in the mood for.

What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? I always get a Cherry Limeade

Do you like pulpy orange juice? Doesn't matter.


How many televisions are in your house? 3

Do you own a digital camera? Yes

How many email addresses do you have? 1

How much time do you spend on the internet each day? More than I should.

Do you always answer your phone? Nope!


Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right-handed

What (if anything) have you had removed from your body? Nothing

Do you have any tattoos/piercings? Nope!

What is the last heavy item you lifted? I don't know.

Can you do push ups? I don't know.

Can you do a chin up? Unfortunately, no.

How many times (if any) have you been knocked unconscious? Nil


If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? Nah

Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Without a doubt!

If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Lauren or Grace...ooooh ooooh, what about Lauren Grace...that's a purdy name:)

If you could change your eye color, what would it be? Don't wanna change 'em, I like my blue eyes:)

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1,000? Yes, yes I would;)

Would you be a pirate? Oooh, oooh, yeah!!! Not a mean one though, I'll be a "pirate who doesn't do anything" ;)


Season? Autumn

Holiday? Christmas!

Day of the week? Sabbath

Month? I don't know, December maybe?

Christmas songs? Too many to name and if I were to name them I would have to name the artists too because they have to be sung by certain artists for me to LOVE them!

Sit-down restaurant? Applebee's


Missing someone? Yes, Tommy. However, he's coming over to visit tonight!!!!! WOOHOO!!!

Mood? Joyful!

Listening to? "A Whole New World" by Aladdin:) I know it might be weird, but I love that song!

Watching? A disgusting bumblebee flyin' around outside:/ (The only bad thing about Spring and Summer!!)

Worrying about? Pawpaw:(

Current hate right now? That big bumblebee;)

Are most of the friends in your life right now new or old? Both, but I feel like I've known them forever:o)

Plans tonight? Tommy's comin' over!!!!

Sleeping alone tonight? That's not a very nice question>:(


Have you ever had a pet fish? Yes

Have you ever been in a car wreck? Does having a tree fall on your car count? ;)

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? Prolly

Have you ever been given roses? Nope

Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? I've never dated anyone and don't believe in dating anyway.

Have you ever had someone sing to you? Like when I was a baby, yes.

Have you ever met someone who changed your life? Yes


First place you went this morning? Mommy and Daddy's room:)

What's the last movie you saw? I just watched the end of some kind of war/submarine-ish movie with Daddy and Chris this morning. I don't care for those kinds of movies by the way, but it wasn't bad.

Last person you talked to? Mommy:)

Last person you hugged? Daddy...kind of.

Three things you bought yesterday? Nothin'...notta...nil;)

Last time you had a run-in with the cops? Umm, I don't wanna talk about that, LOL, jk!! Never;)

Last person you took a picture of? Myself;p I deleted it though, 'cause I was just playin'.

When did you last cry? Can't remember!

What is the last song to make you cry? I don't know.

Held hands with anyone today? I don't think so.


Do you smile often? Yep! "Life's happier with a smile" :)....Yeah, I made that up;)

What's on your wish list for your birthday? I never really have one (wish list, not Birfday;)).

How many pairs of flip flops do you own? Nil

Does the future make you more nervous or excited? Depends

Do you have an accent? Occasionally;) Whether it be by accident or on purpose;)

How will you bring in the New Year? I imagine we'll have game night wif snacks (just the four of us unless Tommy comes:)) and watch the ball drop. That's just kind of a long ways away though;)

What song represents you? "Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" by Relient K, LOL, jk!!! Prolly, "Someday" by LaRue but also different hymns. Like "Leaning On The Everlasting Arms". (I know Mommy's answer to this one, but you all will just have to find out when she does this;)).

Does anyone love you? My friends and family, other than that, I seriously doubt it!

What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower.

What kind of music did you listen to during your elementary school years? Point Of Grace, mostly. But also kids Christian tapes.

Do you believe in staying close with your exes/prospects? Well, ummm, I don't know, never been there.

What is something your friends make fun of you for? We kind of make fun of each other:)

Ok, I tag Mommy, Meghan, and Sara.

I think I'll add a video or pic if I can find anything....ok, hold on....Ah, here we go. A video of Manchester United players being quizzed:) Enjoy!

Grace be with you,
Alive because of His Blood,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


First I want to start off by saying, I do not encourage anyone to get a Facebook. If you haven't read about it or anything, the people that started it might sell any information you have on there without your permission. Once you have your pictures and stuff on there, they can do whatever they want with it. I got rid of mine a while back because of this but kept forgetting to post about it. So, there ya go people, don't get Facebooks!!! Get Twitters:) It's really sad 'cause Facebook was a great way to comunicate with friends and find other friends, but they just had to ruin it for us>:(

Also, my cousin, had a baby boy on Friday named Will:) We haven't seen him yet but Mommy and I cannot wait to!!!

My Pawpaw's heart really isn't in very good condition, please continue praying. He's really down about this.

Now, to the first tag:
A while ago, my friend Sara at
My Simple Blessed Life tagged me with this so I wanted to do it now:) I'm sooo sorry it took me so long Miss Sara:( Now, I've done one of these a while ago, so I'm sorry if some of them are the same answers;)
Here are 20 random things about me:

1. I believe in Courtship.

2. I love chivalry in a man.

3. I like to talk in different accents;)

4. I love all things feminine and yet my choices of music are quite wild sometimes;)

5. I'm a country girl at heart but at the same time think it would be fun to visit a big city sometime...London, England, maybe;)

6. If my brother and/or I are having a bad day, all it takes is just a few minutes for the two of us to be together and we cheer each other up just like that!

7. My Mommy is my very best girlfriend!

8. If ever I had girlfriends close to me, I would rather invite them over or go over to there place and sew and chat (or somethin' like that) than go shopping or out anywhere. Unless of course we went to Starbucks just to get some coffee and then come back home;)

9. I once got to talk to Barlow Girl on the phone on national radio and it was the most embarrassing moment of my life!

10. I've never met any of my e-buddies face-to-face but am closer to them than ever I was to any other "friend" I had growing up. Even though I've not known one of them for like more than 5 or so years, I know more about them than ever I did with any other "friend" growing up.

11. I want to save my first kiss for my future Husband on our Wedding Day, AFTER the Pastor says, "You may now kiss the bride"....not a second before!

12. I have a fascination with meteorology. In fact, my brother got me a lil book on it for Christmas:)

13. I'm a coffee nut! (But not a coffee bean, because that would be strange;)).

14. A couple of times I have actually filled up 14 or so pages while writing in my journal, just journaling.

15. I have a really loud snap, for some reason;)

16. I, more often than not, have warm soft hands. It's nothing I do to take care of them, they've just always been that way! Ever since I was a baby Chris would reach over and hold my hand while we were watching television or whatever:) Mommy always says that my future Husband isn't going to want to let go of my hands because they're so soft and warm...hey, I'm fine with that;) However I do not want us to hold hands until after we're married.

17. I've been known to write "theme" songs for people;)

18. I could eat a whole watermelon by myself:)

19. My Daddy and I always won at Basketball against my two brothers, of course that's because my Daddy always let me cheat;)

20. I LLLOOOOVVVVVEEEEE dark chocolate!!!! (White chocolate is NOT chocolate people!!!)

I tag
Guitargirl and Mommy...also Meghan:) Sara did it, but you didn't:(
Grace be with you,
Alive because of His Blood,

Monday, March 16, 2009

Who's Al??

Hello one and all, all and one!!
I think you all should know that we need to do anything we can to save Al...I do not know who Al is, but obviously it's so important that they have to put a big sign up to tell us we need to save him. Here, I'll show ya...

We must save him!! LOL!!! Yes, this is a Save Alot sign, but the "o" and "t" are out, so it says "Save Al". Does anyone know who Al is?? If you do, could you tell us, LOL, jk!! Mommy, Chris, and I just thought this was funny, so we just HAD to take a picture of it so I could share it with everyone:) Poor, poor Al...

Ok, now onto a lil questionnaire thing that Guitargirl did:) Yet you see, I'm not really sure how to do it, so I'll do it the way I think she did it and the way that makes sense to me, haha! Just to let you know, most of these songs on my playlist I don't know well at all, so I'll do my best and if I'm wrong on some of them, then oh well:p *Puts playlist on shuffle*...first song:

Artist: Seven Places
Title: Everything
What is the very first lyric in the song? There's no sweeter Name I know
Is that lyric significant to you in any way? Well, I like it, if that's what you mean.
What is the 4th line of the song? Well, the 4th line begins the chorus, but it's "Where can I go but into You?"
Does that line make you think of a certain person? Nope
What is your favorite lyric in this song? Where can I go but into You? There's none like You Jesus.

Artist: Panic Channel
Title: Why Cry?
What is the last lyric of the song? For you...I think, I don't know this song very well, LOL!
Replace the 2nd word of that lyric with the word "potato".: For potato...hehe, that's funny;)
What is the 9th line of the song? Golly, I don't know if I'm supposed to include the chorus or not, but I won't, so it's "You thought you'd stick around".
What if that lyric was the new theme song to Sesame Street? That would be very strange.
What lyric in this song do you relate to the most or find to be the truest? None

Artist: 38th Parallel
Title: Horizon
What is the chorus of this song? So here at the end of this day, where the world is shaded in gray, I will look to blue horizon and watch for You to come. When my hope is tattered and torn, when my faith is weathered and worn, I look to the blue horizons.
If someone you like sang the chorus to you would it be romantic? I don't know. I wouldn't want them to sing it for me, it's not about me.
Replace the 10th word of the song with the word "beast": Another day burns away into darkness
Another blink of beast eye of time. Ok, that's weird.
What movie soundtrack would this song be perfect for? I don't know.
Pick one word in the title of this song that you could name a pet: Horizon

Artist: Killswitch Engage
Title: Arms Of Sorrow
What if your last name was included in the song title? Hmm, that would be very strange.
What is the 5th line in the song? Crawling back into the dark (I guess. I'm actually getting these online, so I don't know if they are indeed correct;)).
Would that line be a good catch phrase for a commercial? If it was about bugs or something like that, then sure! Other than that, nope!
What is your favorite lyric in the entire song? Heck, I don't know.
Why is that your favorite? It's not my favorite.

Artist: Chicago
Title: The Glory Of Love
What is the funniest lyric in this song? There isn't any.
What is the 8th lyric in this song? It breaks my heart to see you cryin'
What if there was a restaurant named from the 1st and 5th word of that lyric: It to...yummy!! LOL!
Is the word "heart" anywhere in the entire song? Hmm, let's I don't think so, LOL, jk!! Yes, it's right up there...observe...the 8th lyric;)

Artist: Josh Groban
Title: You Raise Me Up
What if Marilyn Manson did a cover of this song? AAAAHHH!!!! I wouldn't listen to it!!
What is the chorus of this song? You raise me up so I can stand on mountains. You raise me up to walk on stormy seas. I am strong when I am on your shoulders, you raise me up to more than I can be.
What if your #5 myspace friend called you and sang the chorus to you? That would be very sweet.
What is the last lyric in the song? You raise me up to more than I can be.
Is that the best lyric in the song? All the lyrics to this song are good.

Artist: Status Quo
Title: Come On You Reds
Would the title of this song make a good title for a Stephen King book? Hahaha, no way!!
What is the 12th line in this song? For ninety minutes we'll let them know.
Do you even like that lyric at all? Lol, sure, why not!!
Do you know all the words to this song? Nope! But since I was reading it to see what they say, I should know;)
What kind of mood does this song put you in? British mood;)

Artist: Everyday Sunday
Title: Stand Up
Replace the 3rd word in the Title with the word "beaver": I will beaver...what the heck??
What is the 7th line in this song? and see it takes more than just you to get through this life.
Does that lyric bring up any memories? Nope!
Would this song be good in a fight scene in movie? If it was a Christian movie and was about a person fighting temptation, then yes. Other than that, no.
What is your favorite lyric in this song? I will stand up now, I will not step down. I will do my best to wear this crown but I need You as You guide me through today.

Finally, I'm done!! LOL!
I tag Sara, Meghan, and Mommy:) I don't know how Mommy would do it though. Sara and Meghan, you have mp3's right?? You could use those. Or are they iPods? Oh well, doesn't matter:o)

I have more to write but since this is long, then it must wait!

Grace be with you,
Alive because of His Blood,

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tagged and Awarded!!!

Yes, I know I *stole* the title of this post from Sara, but I don't know what else I would've called it:) But then again I have three exclamation points and she has one, so I guess it's not too bad;)

She awarded me with this:

It's the Excellence In Blogging Award!! Thank you Sara!!
I award:
and even though this might be kind of cheating, Sara at Unendingjoy

Miss Sara also tagged me wif this:
  1. the rules: erase my answers and put yours in. Use the first letter of your name to answer ALL of the following questions. If the person before you has the same 1st letter pick a new one. You CAN NOT use anything twice, and you CAN NOT use your own name for the boy/girl question. After you are done, tag 5 people...

1. What is your name? Bekah
2. A 4 letter word: Bear
3. A boy's name: Bo (hehe, Bear and Bo are two of the guys from NEEDTOBREATHE, they're brothers...hey, that Begins with a B too, lol! alliterations galore!!)
4. A girl's name: Belinda
5. An occupation: Banker
6. A color: Blue
7. Something you wear: Boots
8. A Food: Berry
9. Something found in the bathroom: Bath (ha, now that was hard;))
10. A place: Bulgaria

11. A reason for being late: Broken bone
12. Something you shout: BOO!

13. A movie title: Brother's Grim, The...hehe;)
14. Something you drink: Brandy

15. An animal: Bat
16. A song title: "Bury The Difference" by Dead Poetic
17. A verb: Bow hunting

I only know of 2 people to tag Guitargirl and Mommy (unless of course someone that doesn't have a blog comes here and sees it and wants to do it, feel free to do it in a comment! Michaela, you said these things must be fun to fill out so you can do it and leave it in a comment, if you wanna:))

Grace be with you!
Alive because of His Blood,
