I think you all should know that we need to do anything we can to save Al...I do not know who Al is, but obviously it's so important that they have to put a big sign up to tell us we need to save him. Here, I'll show ya...
Ok, now onto a lil questionnaire thing that Guitargirl did:) Yet you see, I'm not really sure how to do it, so I'll do it the way I think she did it and the way that makes sense to me, haha! Just to let you know, most of these songs on my playlist I don't know well at all, so I'll do my best and if I'm wrong on some of them, then oh well:p *Puts playlist on shuffle*...first song:
Artist: Seven Places
Title: Everything
What is the very first lyric in the song? There's no sweeter Name I know
Is that lyric significant to you in any way? Well, I like it, if that's what you mean.
What is the 4th line of the song? Well, the 4th line begins the chorus, but it's "Where can I go but into You?"
Does that line make you think of a certain person? Nope
What is your favorite lyric in this song? Where can I go but into You? There's none like You Jesus.
Artist: Panic Channel
Title: Why Cry?
What is the last lyric of the song? For you...I think, I don't know this song very well, LOL!
Replace the 2nd word of that lyric with the word "potato".: For potato...hehe, that's funny;)
What is the 9th line of the song? Golly, I don't know if I'm supposed to include the chorus or not, but I won't, so it's "You thought you'd stick around".
What if that lyric was the new theme song to Sesame Street? That would be very strange.
What lyric in this song do you relate to the most or find to be the truest? None
Artist: 38th Parallel
Title: Horizon
What is the chorus of this song? So here at the end of this day, where the world is shaded in gray, I will look to blue horizon and watch for You to come. When my hope is tattered and torn, when my faith is weathered and worn, I look to the blue horizons.
If someone you like sang the chorus to you would it be romantic? I don't know. I wouldn't want them to sing it for me, it's not about me.
Replace the 10th word of the song with the word "beast": Another day burns away into darkness
Another blink of beast eye of time. Ok, that's weird.
What movie soundtrack would this song be perfect for? I don't know.
Pick one word in the title of this song that you could name a pet: Horizon
Artist: Killswitch Engage
Title: Arms Of Sorrow
What if your last name was included in the song title? Hmm, that would be very strange.
What is the 5th line in the song? Crawling back into the dark (I guess. I'm actually getting these online, so I don't know if they are indeed correct;)).
Would that line be a good catch phrase for a commercial? If it was about bugs or something like that, then sure! Other than that, nope!
What is your favorite lyric in the entire song? Heck, I don't know.
Why is that your favorite? It's not my favorite.
Artist: Chicago
Title: The Glory Of Love
What is the funniest lyric in this song? There isn't any.
What is the 8th lyric in this song? It breaks my heart to see you cryin'
What if there was a restaurant named from the 1st and 5th word of that lyric: It to...yummy!! LOL!
Is the word "heart" anywhere in the entire song? Hmm, let's see...no I don't think so, LOL, jk!! Yes, it's right up there...observe...the 8th lyric;)
Artist: Josh Groban
Title: You Raise Me Up
What if Marilyn Manson did a cover of this song? AAAAHHH!!!! I wouldn't listen to it!!
What is the chorus of this song? You raise me up so I can stand on mountains. You raise me up to walk on stormy seas. I am strong when I am on your shoulders, you raise me up to more than I can be.
What if your #5 myspace friend called you and sang the chorus to you? That would be very sweet.
What is the last lyric in the song? You raise me up to more than I can be.
Is that the best lyric in the song? All the lyrics to this song are good.
Artist: Status Quo
Title: Come On You Reds
Would the title of this song make a good title for a Stephen King book? Hahaha, no way!!
What is the 12th line in this song? For ninety minutes we'll let them know.
Do you even like that lyric at all? Lol, sure, why not!!
Do you know all the words to this song? Nope! But since I was reading it to see what they say, I should know;)
What kind of mood does this song put you in? British mood;)
Artist: Everyday Sunday
Title: Stand Up
Replace the 3rd word in the Title with the word "beaver": I will beaver...what the heck??
What is the 7th line in this song? and see it takes more than just you to get through this life.
Does that lyric bring up any memories? Nope!
Would this song be good in a fight scene in movie? If it was a Christian movie and was about a person fighting temptation, then yes. Other than that, no.
What is your favorite lyric in this song? I will stand up now, I will not step down. I will do my best to wear this crown but I need You as You guide me through today.
Finally, I'm done!! LOL!
I tag Sara, Meghan, and Mommy:) I don't know how Mommy would do it though. Sara and Meghan, you have mp3's right?? You could use those. Or are they iPods? Oh well, doesn't matter:o)
I have more to write but since this is long, then it must wait!
Grace be with you,
Alive because of His Blood,
SAVE AL! We need posters and stuff :P Hehe. That's frunny. The signs that go out around here make no sense...what is a "Trader Orn" anyways? ;)
LOL! Sure, you wanna make some? ;) Hehe, I have no idea;) Actually, I don't know what you're talking about...what is it supposed to be? LOL!
Ha ha! That picture is funny! :) I will (hopefully) get around to posting the tag on our blog...soon. :) I think the only song I know on there is You Raise Me Up...and I heard the version Celtic Woman sang. :) It's really pretty. :)
Here is a follow up to my last comment-I fulfilled my tag! :) It's under Mum's latest entry. That was fun! I just had my computer's music on shuffle-it's all the songs I have on my Mp3 anyway....oh, and by the way, missy, I LOVE the Poohbear picture on the side. If I ever get a hopechest my Pooh is the last thing I'll put in there. :)
Woohoo!! I'm so happy you did your post!
AMEN sista!! Ain't no Pooh Bear going in my hope chest right now;) I'm glad you like it m'dear!! :o)
Yep, "You Raise Me Up" is one of my favorites!
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