I would like to introduce you all to my new 2nd cousin Will (as is obvious by the title;))....
Ok, I'll stop there:o) My cousin said they might come visit this week. Mommy wasn't able to go. They have two cats and cats are Mommy's worst allergy. I can't wait to see him again!!
Now, I'm going to add something that Guitargirl has on her blog. Let's see how well my buddies know me (mind you I have no idea how they'll answer the second question;)):
1: Where you and I met?
2: Take a stab at my middle name:
3: How long have you known me?
4: The last time we saw each other?
5: Would I ever go skydiving?
6: Your first impression of me upon meeting/seeing me?
7: Am I funny?
8. My best physical feature?
9: What's my favorite music?
10: Can I sing?
11: What do I want to do more than anything?
12: What is the one thing you think I should do?
13: Do I have any special talents? If so, what are they?
14: Have you ever hugged me?
15: My favorite food?
16: If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?
17: Your favorite memory of me?
18: If you and I were stranded on an island, what would I bring?
19: Where do you think I will be in 25 years?
20: Will you re-post this so I can fill this out for you?
I tag Mommy and Meghan :)
One more thing, what's wrong with Manchester United??? They've lost two games in a row...I'm disgusted>:( I don't expect anyone to answer that by the way...unless of course you play for them, then you can let me know, haha!! (Yeah, like that'll happen;)).
Grace be with you,
Alive because of His Blood,
Here's my answers:
We met in a hospital surgery room!
Since way before you were born!
2 seconds ago
yes, you probably would
A baby girl!
Your infectious smile!
hymns and that crazy FF5
you sing beautifully
Marry a good Christian fellow and have lots of babies...but mainly you want to do the Lord's will for your life
ummm...make those blueberry bars you've been promising us!!!
you have so very many talents I can't list them all here
wish I had a nickle for everytime I've hugged you...I'd be a bazillionairre!!!
Anything homemade
I have too many!
Cippy....an inside thing!!!
Married with lots of kids and maybe some grandkids!
Yes, I will
Aw :)
Lemme see...
1- M.I.W. (An old...dead messageboard ;))
2- Rebekah :P
3- Wow. I've known you for probably 6 years, but we've only started e-mailing within the past few...
4- Nevah :(
5- I doubt it ;)
6- I dunno. The first post I remember you making you were talking about Barlowgirl. LOL! And we manage to be friends anyways ;) Luv ya!
7- Yep
8- Your skin always looks so clear/lucky :P ;)
9- Um, Christian rock/pop. Hymns. You seem to like writing your own songs ;)
10- Yeah
11- To have a big family
12- Visit me! Dur! ;)
13- Being a pretty sweet person :P
14- Nay :( Kinda sad, I might even let you hug me too ;)
15- Um, cheesecake...brownies. Hehe
16- Oh gosh. I dunno. If I could think of a good one you could bet I'd start calling you that :)
17- Hm. Talking on the phone. Awkward...but yeah, fun. Have to do it again sometime...
18- You'd probably bring a pile of FF5 CDS (I want my OWN half of the island if it comes to that ;)) and a TV...so you could watch football ;)
19- Someplace...
20 Already did...der ;)
You got it Guitargirl!!!
Well, Mommy got it too, but I knew she would;)
Not that I didn't think you would, but ya know, ya know???
Bah, how about I just listen to FF5 on my iPod so you don't have to get your own side of the island and we can hang;)
Hehe. Okay, thanx, you're so considerate ;)
Awww! He is so sweet!! I'm getting a new second cousin too, this summer!!! YAY! His name will be Hayden. :) I'll feel more like an aunt to him, though. :) I love babies! :)
Here's my answers miss Bekah:
1. On M.I.W that is no more. :( I left and then asked if anyone wanted to be pen-pals...and voila! Our friendship was born. :)
2. Rebekah
3. For almost....three-ish years I believe. WOW! :)
4. We've never seen each other. :( But I just saw you in the pics on this blog! :-P
5. Hmm....no I don't think you would go sky-diving...unless it was to see a Manchester United game. :)
6. First impression....definetly how sweet you are.
7. Yes
8. Your smile and your eyes...they both sparkle
9. Fave music? There is no one category for all the music you like! :)
10. I don't know
11. Get married and have lots of children-but BEFORE that, meet all your friends out of state. :)
13. Crocheting and encouragement
14. No. :(
15. Oooh, that's a hard one...I know I've asked you before but I forget...and I won't cheat and see what your mom put. :)
16. Hmm...I don't know...
17. Us talking on the phone for the first time. :)
18. Your bread! :)
19. Married with a whole bunch of children living next-door to me. :)
20. I will soon!
And your letter will be forthcoming-hopefully soon!
Love your answers Meghan!! ('Specially #19;)). You got everything right and that's alright that you don't know my favorite food, I'm not sure I know yours either :(
Hehe, #9 is funny;) So true too!
Yep, I would sky-dive actually, but especially to see a Manchester United game, hopefully land right on the pitch, haha!!
Aw and you're so sweet too:)
Love you girl!
Love you too, Bekah!
I wanted to add that the pictures of you and your dad holding baby Will are SO sweet!! :) You are a natural with babies, my dear. :) We just had our cousin Ty here today so I got to hold him a bunch-when he wasn't squirming. :)
Gotta go!
Lol, you're welcome;) Woohoo, BUNNIES!!! Haha!
Aw, thank you, I'm glad you like the pictures! Aw and thank you again for the lovely compliment:) Ooooh cool!!! I love all of the pictures of him you put up , he is such a cutie!!!
And, meant to say earlier, looking forward to your letter!!!
Both girls-
Love you!!! :)
1. I 'met' Bekah through my sister Meghan
2. Rebekah
3. Two years-ish
4. never... :( unfourtunately
5: Yes, especially if there wa a chance to meet Christiano Rinaldo :)
6. I liked you and felt that you would be a very good friend
7. Yes, very
8.Your blue eyes, definetly
9. Celtic Thunder
10. I dunno, you tell me :)
11. Get married, have children, and be a stay at home mom? Am I right?
12. Definetly come visit us!
13You have the talent of making people feel at ease
14: No...
15: My favorite food? Hmm, I have no clue...
16: Bunnie Blue Eyes
17: When you and Meg talked on the phone for like 2 hours, and I kept thinking your last name was Wung...
18: A TV to watch Man U games :P
19: Caring for your family
20: I think I will!
Awww, love your answers Sara!! You are a dear friend to me too and I love you like a little sister!
Yes, you are so right!! That is exactly what I want to do!
Hehe, yep, meeting Cristiano wouldn't be a bad thing at all;)
Totally, would HAVE to watch Man Utd games girl!! You know me so well!
Hopefully I can do as good a job for yours as you did for me!!
Love you, sweetie!!
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