Monday, September 17, 2007

Wasn't Much But It Was A Start

So, we didn't get as much done today as we had hoped but there's always tomorrow. Daddy's off Mondays and Tuesdays so he's happy to help us with things. We don't know yet when the Classes start but we still like to keep our house nice and tidy (who doesn't??).
In the midst of all of this homesteading and stuff we've decided to eat healthier, however Mommy and I are really the only ones who like vegetables so we can't really do much with that. Daddy and Tommy will not eat vegetables (at least not the ones that are really good for you), they also don't like whole grains so we can't really do that either, their version of a "food pyramid" is chips, candy, and meat! Chris doesn't really mind vegetables (only a select few) and he's all for the whole grains! We just can't seem to please everyone's tastes in one meal because we try not to have too much meat (Daddy doesn't like chicken anyway). We're trying though. I've been praying that the Lord will lead us. We also need to start exercising more and getting fit and healthy, but haven't yet made up a schedule.
The weather has been rather good today, not too hot, we have been able to keep the windows open. It get's rather chilly at night so I have to run upstairs and put some socks and a jacket on (we don't have our winter clothes up yet).
I am rather looking forward to the cold seasons, I always liked the cold and at night getting all snuggled up under my blankets in bed. We get our oil lamps out sometimes and light them and that makes it even more cozy in the house. The cold weather also brings along my "Gourmet Hot Cocoa" (as Mommy calls it), with chocolate chips in the bottom so that they'll melt, then marshmallows, ice cream, whipped cream and chocolate syrup on top (should we have everything) and it is sooooooo good!!!!
Alive because of His Blood,

1 comment:

Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...


Have you ever read the homesteading books by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Castleberry? I haven't read them yet, but have one of them. They are the Castleberry family's true and humorous account of their homestead. This family also writes and sells courtship books which are SO good!!!

We also are trying to make our lives healthier. We're doing pretty good in the whole grains and vegetables department, but we get hardly an excersise. Which is going to need to change! :)

My mama and I LOVE it when we can open all the windows in the house!! I, too am REALLY looking forward to colder weather! It has been so dreadfully hot here, and we have suffered from horrible drought here in eastern Tennesee. I don't like going out when it is in the dead of winter, though-it's then too cold for my liking. :)

Wow!!! Now, that's the way to have hot chocolate! lol It sounds great! I'll definitely have to have that sometime! It'll have to be a treat, though as Mama wouldn't want me to have something with all that in it too often. lol Sounds yummy!

Where do you guys live?
